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我从不想暴露别人的错误,以图减轻自己的缺点。I shall never attempt to palliate my own foible by expose the error of another.

你不能用别人的恶行来掩饰自己的劣迹。I shall never attempt to palliate my own foible by exposing the error of another.

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组织对作家减轻作家的寂寞但是我怀疑如果他们改良他的写作。Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness but I doubt if they improve his writing.

各种作家协会也许能派遣这种孤独,但我怀疑他们未必能促进作家的写作。Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.

社会正义运动是第一次大规模的减少美国生活阴暗面的尝试。The social justice movement was the first largescale attempt to palliate the grosser aspects of American life.

复合微动的研究对减缓工程实际中复杂形式的微动损伤具有重要意义。It is a significantly important for studies of composite fretting to palliate complex fretting damages in actual engineering applications.

如果仅仅是将已经写好的作品换一种方式来重新诠释,那么文学创作就显得太轻而易举了。Writing at its best is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.

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当人灵命遇见危险时,上帝的仆人决不会顾惜自己,却要讲说所交给他传讲的话,而不肯原谅或文饰罪恶。When souls are in peril, God's ministers will not consider self, but will speak the word given them to speak, refusing to excuse or palliate evil.

可初步确定,较低浓度的SNP可缓解轮纹病菌对梨叶片的伤害作用。It can be initially confirmed that SNP in a relatively low density can palliate harm to pear leave after they are infected with Pnysalosproa Prricola Nose.

现在我们对肺动脉高压的病理进展有了更深入的认识并可以用一系列的肺血管扩张药物来延缓病情进展。We have a better understanding of the pathological process and have a range of medication which is starting to be able to palliate this previously fatal condition.

所以可能很难把本欲控制病情发展和纯粹用于象征性缓解症状的化疗与放疗区分开来。It can be difficult to distinguish between chemotherapy and radiation therapy intended to control disease progression and the use of either modality purely to palliate symptoms.

之敏心想,给吃给穿,都是些治标不治本的东西,重要的是如果才能让每年的春洪不再成为洪水。It is quick to wish and give to eat give wear, is all some palliate incurable origin of thing, importance of is if then can let every year of the spring Hong no longer become flood.

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和,什么事都没有,应允许减缓有罪伟大的背叛,它可能会更加理解,如果我们把它作为结果,逐步未能在较小的东西。And, though nothing should be allowed to palliate the guilt of the great betrayal, it may become more intelligible if we think of it as the outcome of gradual failing in lesser things.