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事实上,你还得承认自己的体力不足呢!In fact, you have to admit your unfitness for the race!

限制恐高,心脏病以及其他设备不适者搭乘。Guests with height-phobia, heart disease or unfitness are not allowed to use this facility.

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电视和其它现代娱乐形式可能有损健康。Television and other modern inventions could possibly be a factor that produces physical unfitness.

在这种形势下,高等职业教育既暴露出很多的不适应性,也面临着难得的发展机遇。Under this situation, higher professional education exposes its unfitness and it is also faced with a rare chance.

然而,由于不支持定步长运算,使得它无法直接应用于半实物仿真的可视化。But it can't be used directly in semi-physical simulation visualization for its unfitness for fixed step algorithm.

与此同时,巴拉克·奥巴马名牌大学的出身成了政治对手攻讦的把柄,成了他不适合主政的证据。Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s degrees from prestigious universities were, to his critics, evidence of his unfitness for office.

对于造成这么多弊病的经济问题、社会问题、心理问题和人口问题,还需要进行更多的研究工作。Far more work is necessary upon the economic, social, psychological and population problems out of which so much unfitness arises.

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该算法在迭代初始阶段引入了不适应度函数作为评价标准,结合启发式交叉和边重组交叉设计了一种新的交叉算子。In this algorithm the unfitness function is chosen as a merit at the beginning of iteration and a new crossover operator is designed.

经甄别确认不符合国家收购规定的,行政清理组应当告知申报的债权人。For any creditor's right determined as not fitting the relevant state provisions, the administrative liquidating group shall notify the creditor concerned of the unfitness.

这主要是因为我国外贸企业的机能太单一,企业内部、外部结构都不适应现代世界市场所致。The main cause of this situation lies in the unitary function of our foreign trade enterprises and the unfitness of their internal and external structure to modern world market.

我国风险投资制度存在供给型制度的固有缺陷,且与所处的内外部制度环境存在明显的不适应。There is inherent limitation for supply-typed institution in China's venture investment system, with explicit unfitness for its internal and external system environment as well.

采用可变模糊集模型进行评价,以级别特征值方法量化评价结果,可有效解决最大隶属原则的不适应性。Combined with Feature Value of Grades for results quantification, applying Variable Fuzzy Set model on assessment could overcome the unfitness of the maximum membership principle.

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在高等教育逐步走向市场的过程中,出现了传统的考试方式和内容与教学要求不相适宜等一系列新问题。In the process of higher education's gradually entering the market, A series of problems have come out, such as the unfitness of the examination method in with the teaching requirement.

针对压力管道焊接接头出现的不同位置、不同尺寸条件下的错边缺陷,研究它们对焊接接头应力集中程度的影响,为压力管道的安全评定提供可靠的力学依据。It researches the effects of unfitness defects of the welding joints of pressure piping at different places and different sizes on stress concentration by means of the finite element software ANSYS9.