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隐藏式筒夹组合。Built-in collet holder set.

反向旋转夹头轴。Counter rotating collet spindles.

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接线员,我要打对方付费的电话。Operator,I'd like to make a collet call,please.

如果夹头有严重氧化时应换新的。The collet shall be renewed when it is gravely oxidated.

把小棒插入夹头,拧紧夹头螺母。Insert the pin into the collet and tighten the collet nut.

科莱跟着那个警察顺着车道走了约五十码。Collet followed the agent about fifty yards past the driveway.

阿管筒,以便提供'酒吧垂直调整的『T。A Tube Collet is provided to allow vertical adjustment of the 'T' bar.

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下次更新我将展示如何构建上下夹头集会。Next update I'll show how to build the upper and lower collet assemblies.

科莱读了空栓上面的标签,马上明白自己碰上了麻烦。When Collet read the label above the empty peg, he knew he was in trouble.

夹头及夹头机构在选择,你需要考虑两个主要因素。When choosing collets and collet bodies, you need to consider two main factors.

他站在那里,脑海中闪过法希让他推迟行动的第二种解释。As he stood there, Collet flashed on a second possible explanation for this delay.

“还在男洗手间,长官。”科莱中尉已料到他会问这个问题。"Still in the men's room, sir. " Lieutenant Collet had been expecting the question.

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科莱知道,虽然法希天资聪颖,但他也因高傲自大而臭名昭著。Collet knew the answer. Fache, though famous for his instinct, was notorious for his pride.

科莱站在维莱特庄园高高的草棚上,瞪着眼睛看着计算机的显示器,惊奇不已。High in the hayloft at Chateau Villette, Collet stared at the computer monitor in amazement.

标准ER-16夹头,可使用各种市售标准雕刻刀具和铣刀。Standard collet ER-16, you can use all kinds of sales standard engraving cutter and milling cutter.

并能根据用户要求配备各种规格的夹头及试管架。We can supply variety specification of collet and tube support, can satisfy the customer"s demand."

科莱中尉独自站在雷·提彬家的车道前,仰望着这座大宅子。Lieutenant Collet stood alone at the foot of Leigh Teabing's driveway and gazed up at the massive house.

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死者包括一房电缆的一端含有一个多元化的夹头夹头中的每个容器居住。The dead cable end includes a housing containing a plurality of collets each residing in a collet receptacle.

本发明提供了一种具有改进的径向挠性的密封套爪以有利于从卡盘组件的防松螺母上卸除。A sealed collet having improved radial flexibility is provided for facilitating removal from a locknut of a chuck assembly.

每个夹头包括一个锥形夹头外观和纵向的差距,包括每一个圆锥形套筒插座内部。Each collet includes a conical exterior and a lengthwise collet gap, and each collet receptacle includes a conical interior.