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脱脂奶粉是廉价的蛋白质洗脱剂。Nonfat dry milk is an inexpensive proteinaceous eluent.

提示ET的粘附素是包括血凝素及鞭毛在内的一类蛋白样物质。It was suggested that the adhesin of ET was proteinaceous flagellum.

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讨论了这种蛋白质网在乳管切割后堵塞中的作用。The role of the proteinaceous network in laticiferplugging after cutting was discussed.

油滴和淀粉颗粒的年变化情况同液泡中的蛋白类物质基本相似。In addition, lipid droplets and starch granules had the same cycles as proteinaceous material.

应用于蛋白质原料的最普通处理是不同的热处理。The most common treatments applied to proteinaceous raw materials are different heat treatments.

本发明涉及从含蛋白质的植物材料分离蛋白质的方法。The present invention relates to a method of isolating proteins from a proteinaceous vegetable material.

在同一个10年中,杰出的化学傢Kekule证明了淀粉样沉积物的蛋白质本质。In that same decade, the distinguished chemist Kekule demonstrated the proteinaceous nature of amyloid deposits.

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蛋白质类原料—用更有效的过滤和水洗肉类脂肪能消除这些问题。Proteinaceous material —More effective filtering or water washing of meat fats is required to eliminate this problem.

T1序列上表现为高信号的有脂肪、出血、黑色素、蛋白液性成分、以及增强后。Substances which are high in signal on T1-weighted sequences include fat, hemorrhage, melanin, proteinaceous fluid, and contrast.

这意味着它由一种蛋白质核心颗粒病毒基因组内有它的形式双链脱氧核糖核酸。Meaning that it consists of a proteinaceous core particle that has the viral genome inside of it in the form of double stranded DNA.

近年来,昆虫淀粉酶蛋白质类抑制剂成为一个新的研究热点,取得了令人瞩目的成果。Recently, the researches on proteinaceous inhibitors of insect amylase have been a new hotspot and have received conspicuous achievements.

大肠杆菌卷曲菌毛是其菌体表面的一种含纤维素样蛋白质附着器官,出现在大肠杆菌生理和病理过程中。Escherichia coli curli are a kind of proteinaceous extracellular fibers, have been implicated in many physiological and pathogenic processes.

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苜蓿叶中蛋白氨基酸种类齐全,含量高,比例协调,是一种蛋白含量高的植物蛋白。This paper also proposed the amino acids of leave protein of alfalfa was abundant and coordinate, then were concluded it was a nice proteinaceous plant.

植物细胞中的微丝骨架,是细胞内的一个由蛋白质构成的动态网络结构,参与胞内诸多的重要的生理活动。The actin cytoskeleton, a dynamic network of intracellular proteinaceous structural elements participates in many physiological activities in plant cell.

通过沉淀将病毒物质浓缩。由于病毒是蛋白质性质的,它们能通过蛋白质沉淀法沉淀。Concentration of the virus particles by precipitation Because viruses are proteinaceous , they can be precipitated by methods that will precipitate proteins.

目前已知最为坚韧且有弹性的天然动物纤维之一——蜘蛛丝具有其它天然和人工材料无法比拟的超强刚性和出色的弹性。Spider dragline silk is a one of the most elastic and tenacious proteinaceous fibers with remarkable mechanical properties which make it attractive for technical applications.

对红茶菌液中可能存在的抑菌成份进行了分析,从中提取出小分子量蛋白类物质,该物质在酸性条件下抑制细菌生长。The potential inhibitors in tea fungus were analyzed. A proteinaceous compound was extracted from the culture and it can inhibit the growth of bacteria when in acidic environment.

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发现在切割后乳管伤口有一个由蛋白质物质组成的网,它与絮凝的橡胶粒于将乳管伤口堵塞。A network, composed of proteinaceous Marerials, was found in the laticifer wound, and the network, filled with flocculated rub-ber particles, was found to plug the laticifer wound.

蛋白质组学是全景式研究蛋白质网络及其动态变化的一门新兴科学,其研究成果为疾病临床诊断、发病机制等提供了理论依据和技术基础。Proteomics is a new science that studies overall proteinaceous network and its development and will provides the basis in theory and technique for clinical diagnosis and etiopathogenesis.