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不要悲观失望。Don't despair.

因战败而绝望。Despair in Defeat.

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他与绝望作斗争。He fought against despair.

抓破绝望的疯浪。Ride the waves of despair.

绝望中他只能去私立医院。In despair he went private.

流入深宫怅更多。Despair into the palace more.

恐惧和绝望吞没了我。Fear and despair engulfed me.

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有种希望太和绝望相似。One hope is too like despair.

希望与绝望是对立的。Hope is antithetic to despair.

希望是与绝望对立的。Hope is antithetic to despair.

她由嫉妒转向失望。Jealousy drove her to despair.

他处于绝望的深渊。He was in the depth of despair.

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这个问题我没同他深谈。He was in the depth of despair.

哀伤与苦闷充满我的心。Grief and despair fill my heart.

当撒旦前来试探我。When Satan tempts me to despair.

她陷入绝望之中。She abandoned herself to despair.

这个男孩使他妈绝望了.This boy is his mother's despair.

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他在绝望中放弃了这种尝试。He gave up the attempt in despair.

她因绝望而上吊自尽。She hanged herself out of despair.

绝望只是傻瓜的结论。Despair is the conclusion of fools.