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苏门答腊大象的训练设施Training Facility for Sumatran Elephants

苏门答腊猩猩的平均寿命在40到50岁。A typical life span for Sumatran orangutans is 40 to 50 years.

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苏门答腊猩猩的名字寓意“森林中的人”。The name of the Sumatran orangutan means "person of the forest."

地壳俯冲的过程通常会引发极其强烈的地震,例如1960年智利的里氏9.5级地震和2004年苏门答腊岛的里氏9.1级地震。Chilean quake in 1960 and the magnitude-9.1 Sumatran quake in 2004.

在过去的十年中,亚洲和澳洲总共只有205只苏门答腊幼虎诞生。There are only 205 Sumatran cubs born in Asia and Australia in the past decade.

同样的事情也发生在2004年苏门答腊9.1级的地震,这次地震引发了一场大海啸。The same thing happened in 2004 with the 9.1 Sumatran earthquake that triggered the tsunami.

这个区域集中在西贝鲁特岛的下面,离苏门答腊岛的沿海城市巴东不远。The section is centered under the island of Siberut, off the Sumatran coastal city of Padang.

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只有26天大的迪玛是一只苏门答腊虎宝宝,它和5个月大的雌猩猩厄玛相拥在一起。Dema the 26-day-old endangered Sumatran Tiger cub cuddles up to 5-month-old female Orangutan, Irma.

世界自然基金会公布数据显示,世界上野生苏门答腊象总数不超过3350头。WWF released data show that the total number of the world's wild Sumatran elephants are not over 3350.

星期一的地震引发的10英尺高的巨浪袭击了苏门答腊岛附近的明打威群岛。Monday's quake generated a 10-foot tsunami that struck the Mentawai islands, just off the Sumatran coast.

世界自然基金会利用这类伪装摄像设备捕捉到的动物还有苏门答腊虎,云豹,金猫和豹猫。The WWF's camera trap survey also snapped the Sumatran tiger, clouded leopard, golden cat, and leopard cat.

9月2号,捷克共和国布拉格动物园里两只苏门答腊小虎崽在笼中嬉戏着。Two Sumatran tiger cubs play in their enclosure in the Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic on September 2, 2011.

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这些新的区域包括缅甸的伊洛瓦底江三角洲以及印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛东海岸的大片地区。The new areas include the Irrawaddy delta in Myanmar and a largearea on the eastern Sumatran coast in Indonesia.

对于华南虎、马来亚虎、印支虎以及苏门答腊虎来说,最大的威胁就是非法狩猎。As with the South China, Malayan, Indochinese and Sumatran tigers, the main threat to the Amur tiger is poaching.

这是只六个月大的雄性苏门答腊虎幼崽,正在妈妈的悉心呵护下休息,摄于2004年10月华盛顿国家公园。A six-month-old male Sumatran tiger cub rests under his mother careful watch at the National Zoo in Washington in October 2004.

此前,格罗斯运用技术手段对2004年印度洋海啸造成的苏门答腊大地震进行类似的轴心线偏移测评。Gross previously used the technique to estimate the shift caused by the 2004 Sumatran quake that caused the Indian Ocean tsunami.

起初的苏门答腊岛,震级达7.6级,袭击了近海城市巴东,此地人口接近百万。The initial Sumatran quake, with a magnitude estimated at 7.6, struck close to the coastal city of Padang, home to nearly 1m people.

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巽他海沟,平行于苏门答腊岛的海岸线,水域狭窄,深不可测,是两个板块分界的标志。The location of the plate boundary is marked by the Sunda Trench, a narrow band of very deep water that parallels the Sumatran coast.

目前,世界上存活的苏门答腊虎估计有400只至500只,它们大都生活在爪哇岛的国家公园内。The wild population of the Sumatran tiger is estimated at between 400 and 500 animals. They live mainly in the island's national parks.

马来西亚半岛拥有一些世界上最惊人的野生动物,包括苏门答腊犀牛,马来虎和亚洲象。The Malaysian peninsula is home to some of world's most amazing wildlife including Sumatran rhinos , Malayan tigers and Asian elephants.