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我的意思是,那是不容置疑的。I mean, that’s just not disputable.

古代城邦的起源是有争议的。The origin of city-states is disputable.

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在学界是有争议的一项制度。It is a disputable system in academic circles.

商业银行规模经济是一个颇有争议的问题。The commercial bank′s scale economy is a disputable issue.

但是否符合法律原理,却值得商榷。As to whether this accords with legal principle, it is disputable.

是否应当接受他加入我们的俱乐部是有争论的。It's disputable whether he should be accepted into our club or not.

另外,“争议性事件”的参考程度也将增加。Furthermore, the degree of control for "disputable events" will also be upgraded.

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终于有人!你觉得我今天所提出的内容,有什麽可争议的?J. Lacan – So then! What appears to you to be disputable in what I put forward today?

典籍翻译是否应当传递古雅韵味?这是一个长期困扰翻译界的问题。Transmission of ancientness in classics translation has long been a disputable issue.

在文学史上,丁玲一直是一个独特的有争议的角色。In the history of literature, Dingling has been a unique disputable being all the time.

可译性问题从来都是翻译中一个具有争议性的问题。The problem of translatability has been disputable in the history of translation studies.

而连续犯则是刑法罪数论中颇具争议的概念。But the continual offence is a very disputable concept in the theory of quantity of crime.

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郭沫若是20世纪中国最有争议的文化名人之一。Guo Moruo is one of the most disputable famous cultural talents in the 20th century in China.

我知道其中的酸度和骨密度的降低有关系,但同样的,现有证据还存在争议。I know its acidity is linked to a loss of bone density, but again the evidence is disputable.

教师惩戒权是一个颇有争议的问题,同时也是一个不容回避的问题。Teachers'discipline power is a quite disputable issue, but also a problem that can't be avoided.

在文学教育中,审美与启蒙的矛盾一直是一个争论不休的话题。In the literary education, the relation between aesthetic and enlightenment is a disputable question.

如何界定“抢帽子交易”的法律性质,在各国证券界一直存在争议。How to define the legal nature of scalping remains a disputable issue in the world securities industry.

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然而,在现代思想史上,它被视为保守落后观念的基础理论而备受质疑。However, in the history of modern thinking, the theory has been considered as conservative and disputable.

巷道周围岩体内弹性区和塑性区在交界面处切向应力是否跳跃的问题,各位学者的看法不一。It is a disputable problem for scholars if tangential stress skips at the edge of elastic area and plastic area.

滥用职权罪客观行为的表现形式是司法实践中极具争议的一个问题。The form of the objective behavior of crime of abuse of power is a disputable question in the judicial operation.