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你感到恶心?You got sick?

你哋令我作呕。U make me sick.

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你们都生病了吗?Are you all sick?

你因此生过病吗?Did you get sick?

今天我生病了。I am sick to-day.

我看到她就讨厌。She makes me sick.

啊,我感觉不舒服。Aaaah, I feel sick.

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我很厌恶势利的人。I am sick of snobs.

—如果我生病了怎么办?What if I get sick?

艾莉丝今天生病了吗?。Is Alice sick today?

告诉他,飞标,生病。Tell him Swoop sick.

我为你患了相思病。I'm love sick for you.

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我觉得我就像得了神经病。I felt like I was sick.

我受够这个乡下人了!I'm sick of this redneck!

我烦死这乡巴佬了。I'm sick of this redneck.

我烦透你了!滚出去!I’m sick of you! Get out!

你就是那个生病的父亲。You were the sick father.

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他的行为令我作呕。His behavior made me sick.

我很讨厌他的势利眼。I am sick of his snobbery.

我希望你不会吃坏肚子。I hope you don't get sick.