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啊,早晨好,古德曼先生。Ah, good morning, Mr goodman.

这两条路在古德曼以北相交。The two roads meet north of Goodman.

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古得曼先生是我们的常客。Mr Goodman is a regular customer of ours.

杰夫•布里奇斯在片中饰演了“城里人”的勒博斯基,约翰•古德曼也是影片主要演员之一。Starring “the Dude,” Jeff Bridges, and John Goodman.

我是艾尔·高特曼,我现在位于马德里的巴拉哈斯机场的4号通道上。I'm Al Goodman in Terminal 4 at Madrid's Barajas airport.

老人没有说一句话,也没有喊一声。The goodman had not uttered a word, nor given vent to a cry.

在古德曼被判监禁的同一天,他就辞职了。He resigned from that position on the day Goodman was jailed.

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我不知道克莱夫古德曼做出的这些现金安排。The cash arrangements with Clive Goodman I knew nothing about.

古德曼将在会议以后签售她的书。Goodman will be signing copies of her books following the event.

杀害一个念着消食经过路的老教士?An old goodman of a priest, who passes along mumbling his prayers?

古德曼法官依其业务权利将法庭延到下午一点。The court came to order at 1 pm Judge Goodman got right to business.

日落时分,年轻的古德曼·布朗出现在塞勒姆村的大街上。Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem village.

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最后用几张关于休奇梅勒和尼尔森古德曼的幻灯片作为结尾。And finally I end with a couple of slides on Hugh Mellor and Nelson Goodman.

但是有一天,奢华的罪恶会重新回来,那将挽救古德曼先生和它的城市。But one day flamboyant sin will be back to help Mr Goodman and his city out.

无情的全球健身中心队在他们侏儒领袖怀特古德曼领导下进攻。A relentless Globo Gym attack led by their Lilliputian leader, White Goodman.

古德曼身穿黑色套装,除确认其姓名、年龄和地址之外,未发一言。Wearing a black suit, Goodman spoke only to confirm his name, age and address.

古德曼布朗一靠近,这人就站起来,与他并肩往前走。He arose, at Goodman Brown's approach, and walked onward, side by side with him.

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古德曼说这位“天才的数学家”来诺福克郡是为了学习英语。Mr Goodman said the 'gifted mathematician' had gone to Norfolk to learn English.

这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗,古德曼和挨林顿。This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong , Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington.

古德曼身为白人,跻身爵士明星行列,引领的是白人听众,并在此基础上扩充自己的乐迷群体。Goodman was a white star who brought a white audience with him and expanded the jazz fanbase.