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那夜总会的表演有很多是低三下四的。There was a lot of sleaze going on at that night club.

她的故事一公布,公众的愤懑一瞬间爆发了,矛头直指那些有着类似卑鄙行为的公仆们。Her story has unleashed an outpouring of public contempt for the sleaze that surrounds so many civil servants.

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许多地区劣迹斑斑、罪行累累的政客使得这个决定在普京任命工作开始前看起来还算明智。The sleaze and criminality of many regional politicians made this seem almost sensible—until Mr Putin’s appointments began.

举个例子,在我的这些日子里,去低俗的小屋看钢管舞已经变成了去当地艺术中心看戏剧。For instance, these days for me, dramatic plays at local arts centers have replaced strip pole dancing at the local sleaze huts.

许多斯洛伐克人对迪拉乔娃,这个保证财政责任和禁止人身攻击的牛津大学毕业的社会学家报以很高的期望。Many Slovaks had high hopes of Ms Radicova, an Oxford-educated sociology professor, who promised both fiscal responsibility and an end to sleaze.

昨天的报道使人回想起了“回答问题付现金”的传奇它促使指控约翰.梅杰政府受到陋行的玷污。Yesterday's report revived memories of the cash-for-questions saga which prompted allegations that John Major's government was tainted by sleaze.

当麻生在办公室里痛苦地盘算过去一年因失言、丑闻和日益加剧的经济不景气而带来的损失时,鸠山由纪夫正在讨论其内阁班子的组成。While Aso counted the cost of a year in office bedevilled by gaffes, sleaze and mounting economic woes, Hatoyama was reportedly discussing his cabinet.

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每日镜报报导这名50岁王子、王位第四顺位继承人,也是英国贸易特使的头条写著。"Prince of Sleaze" ran a headline in Daily Mirror over a story about the 50-year-old prince, who is fourth in line to the throne and is Britain's trade envoy.

由于布莱尔卷入政府腐败和执政能力下降等一系列的丑闻之中,再加上国内对伊拉克战争问题的种种争议,布莱尔的名誉和声望大大下降。Blair's popularity has plunged after a series of government shames over sleaze and direction, chaussure louboutin, as substantially as argument over the Irak combat.

但分析师表示,中国政府很清楚,如果项目当中存在违法行为会给国家名誉和市场准入造成的损害,其银行人士也已使用贸易援助模式来抑制风险.But Beijing is aware of the risk to its reputation and market access if projects are derailed by sleaze and its bankers have used their trade-aid model to curb dangers, experts say.