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文档泛滥。Documentation inundation.

许多城市都位于沿海地区,易受暴风雨、洪水和海平面上升的威胁。Many cities are on the coasts, vulnerable to storms, inundation and sea level rise.

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在独立后,这一心态助长了考迪罗主义的泛滥。Therefore this psychology preceded the inundation of Caudillo politics after independence.

当地的水利官员已经降低了水库的蓄水位以防周围的居民区被洪水淹没。Water officials lowered the reservoir’s level to prevent inundation of nearby settlements.

海岸边,只有一些崎岖的山峰能在漫流的洪水中露出来,没有被淹没。Near the coast, only the rugged peaks rising above the floodplains have escaped inundation.

但是,争论的另一方考察的结果弥补了网络对青少年发展的冲击。But there is another side to the debate, one that explores the redeeming aspects of adolescent Web inundation.

从规划的角度对水灾后的三河镇的重建与发展提出了几点建议。Some proposals of rebuilding and developing Sanhe town after inundation are given by the point of planning view.

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通过这个分析,我想到并介绍关于如何改进海啸大水区域的结构。From this analysis I came up with recommendations on how to improve construction within a tsunami inundation zone.

严格说来,路标标志着由先进计算机模拟决定的地震泛滥地区的始终。Road signs mark the beginning and end of inundation areas determined as such by sophisticated computer simulations.

用ADI干湿网格法和引入辐射边界条件反应活动边界,建立一个风暴潮漫滩模型。By using ADI dry wet grid method and radiation boundary condition, a numerical model of storm surge inundation is presented.

SES救援队在曩昔两天内总共收到928条救援恳求,首要是装沙袋、洪水众多和倒下地树地问题。SES teams have had 928 requests for assistance over the past two days, mainly for sand bagging, water inundation and downed trees.

该类地区山高水低,水库淹没面积少,移民规模小。In these regions, due to high mountains and low rivers, the reservoir inundation area is less so that resettlement is less in scale.

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程潮铁矿淹井后采准井巷大面积坍塌,给生产造成严重影响。After the inundation of shaft in Chengchao Iron Mine, large area collapse of development openings caused serious influence on production.

水灾害的治理及其取得实效,需要从经济、行政、法律等方面进行相应的制度创新。In order to harness inundation and gain effect, we should conduct corresponding system innovation in the fields of economy, administration and law.

泛滥的洪水甚至蔓延到北部远至巴控克什米尔的吉尔吉特和斯卡杜,那是一片从未有过雨季的山区。The inundation even spread as far north as Gilgit and Skardu in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, a mountainous region that had never seen the monsoons.

随着降雨的持续,人们估计由于洪水泛滥而导致的长期经济损失,以及其对政治产生的负面影响,将持续恶化。Estimates of grievous long-term economic and political damage from the inundation are constantly revised in more dire directions as the rains continue.

西布拉班特河水线是一条防线,包含一系列沿线的碉堡和荷兰西南部的位于淹没区的城市。The West Brabant Water Line is a defense-line consisting of a series of fortresses and cities with inundation areas in the south-west of the Netherlands.

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哈尔滨松北地区是松花江流域典型的洪泛河谷湿地,动植物种类繁多。The north shore of Songhuajiang River in Harbin City, northeastern China, is a typical inundation river valley wetland with various of plants and animals.

通过对移民成本概念的界定,以移民损失为切入点,对水库移民的外部成本进行鉴别和梳理。Then, defines the conception of resettlement cost, by analyzing the resettlers' inundation loss, discerns and clears up those external resettlement costs.

为此,对沙沱水库淹没范围与特征水位的关系进行分析,并提出了特征水位的论证思路。The paper analyses the Relationship between reservoir inundation zone and characteristic level and proposes the demonstration ideas of the characteristic level.