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实行科学民主决策。We will make decisions scientifically and democratically.

昂山素季在1990年的民主选举中当选缅甸政府首脑。Suu Kyi was elected democratically as Burma’s president in 1990.

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我是热爱自由的民主国家中的民选总统。I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy.

理事会民主选举产生会长和副会长。The Councils shall democratically elect their Presidents and Vice- Presidents.

民主选举的国家可以让这件事发生,勉强挺过去。Democratically elected governments proved reluctant to stand by and let this happen.

你是第一个被民主选举出来的葛伦,而且是第一个有真正影响力的葛伦。You are the first Kalon Tripa to be elected democratically and the first who has real influence.

西半球34位民选领导人将出席这次为期三天的会议。The 34 democratically elected leaders in the Western Hemisphere will attend the three-day summit.

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如今,我们有了民选的,多族群的,运转一般的代议制政府。We have a government that is representative, democratically elected, multiethnic and functioning.

中国发誓要将民主统治的台湾岛收回大陆,不排出使用武力。China has vowed to bring the democratically ruled island under mainland rule, by force if necessary.

俺是热爱自由的民主国家的民主选举出来的领袖。I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a compassionate society.

赞比亚首位民选总统弗雷德里克·齐卢巴近日在家中逝世,享年68岁。Frederick Chiluba, Zambia's first democratically elected president, has died at home at the age of 68.

民选的领导人不再有手段或者有能力来阐释或形成新秩序了。Democratically elected leaders are no longer equipped or competent to interpret or shape the new order.

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中国各级人民代表大会现有代表365万名,都是民主选举产生的。Deputies to people's congresses at various levels total 3.65 million and are all democratically elected.

干部能不能提拔重用,必须经过民主推荐这一关。The cadre can promote put sb in a very important position, must close through recommending this democratically.

他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过违宪手段让一个民选政府交出权力。He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government.

这些因素的维系,要依靠一个强大的公民社会,以及有民主监督的责任制度、运行良好的政府。Those things need to be sustained by a strong civil society and democratically accountable, well-run government.

这位91岁的前总统因为颠覆智利民主政府而声名狼藉。The 91-year-old former Chilean leader is infamously known for overthrowing Chile's democratically ruled government.

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数周以来,总统一直在敦促民主党控制的国会废除新近海石油开采的禁令。For weeks , the president hazarded has urged the Democratically controlled Congress to rethin the rescind a ban on U.

我们成功地在中东核心地区建立了一个有民主政府的伊拉克,这可是件大事。We have succeeded in creating, in the heart of the Middle East, a democratically governed Iraq. And that's a big deal.

潘托拉有一个民选政府,最高权力机构是潘托拉议会,由主席领导。Pantora has a democratically elected government, presided over by the Pantoran Assembly and in turn led by the Chairman.