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你那条臃肿的橡皮圈叫做手臂?。You call that flabby rubber band an arm?

不!我要的是松弛的肚皮和下垂的胸部!No, I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts.

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假如生活太过简单,我们的大脑也会变得迟钝。If life was too easy, our brains would get flabby.

首先,单纯地做许多仰卧起坐不会让你松弛的肚腩变结实。Doing hundreds of sit-ups alone won't tone a flabby belly.

告诉安东尼别一天到晚懒坐着,帮帮你的忙。And tell Anthony to get off his flabby butt and help you out.

隔着地窖的格子窗飘出走了气的黑芠莆抖?。From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter.

我有柔软松弛的大腿,不过幸运的是,我的肚子掩盖了它们。I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.

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如果人们是全身都胖的话,他们的肚子变得又软又松懈。When people are fat all over, their tummies get so soft and flabby.

他们讨厌自己的软弱武器和他们想隐瞒他们在健身房,甚至。They hate their flabby arms and they want to hide them even in the gym.

他动作缓慢,皮肤「发灰且松弛」,且呼吸困难。He moved slowly, his skin was "grey and flabby" and he was breathing hard.

毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend, fall off till hair.

虽然新鲜,龙涎香是黑暗的,有猎奇的一致性和令人作呕的气味。While fresh, ambergris is dark, with flabby consistency and a nauseating odor.

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通常,最难的部分是锻炼你松弛的“独立思考肌”。The hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles.

激励松弛的胸部,提升胸线,令胸部紧致及美丽。Stimulate a flabby bust to lift up its shape and firming enough to be beautiful.

在最软的凝胶上——如同脑组织——生成了神经细胞。The softest gels, which were as flabby as brain tissue, gave rise to nerve cells.

然而当大家的年龄都上涨的时候,男子挣了更多的钱而女子却有了松弛的大腿。However as everyone ages, the men earn more money and the women have flabby thighs.

我穿泳衣太可怕了,你看看我松软的手臂、大粗腿和腰间赘肉。I look awful in a swimsuit, look at my flabby arms, thunder thighs and love handle.

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走在长满杂草的田埂上,一步不稳准会跌倒。Go on the ridge of field of overgrow fireweed , one pace is flabby accurate meeting falls.

老年期精神疾病的症状极不稳定,有时是变化无常的。SenilePeriod the symptom of mental disease is extremely flabby calm, be fantasticality sometimes.

我把我的轮骑转到她旁边并且抓着她的手,她的手冰凉、柔软、皮肤松驰但温柔。I turned my wheelchair to her side and held her hands, which were coolish, soft, flabby but gentle.