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我们在那里遇到了一伙流浪的乞丐。We met a band of vagrant beggars there.

无居的林中有流浪的居者。Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods.

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直到现在还是过着流浪的生活。And so far I still live the life of a vagrant.

可能成为迷鸟的其他鸟种可能很难获得确认。Other vagrant species might be very difficult to prove!

我必须再度出航,前往吉普赛式的漂荡。I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

我必须重回大海的怀抱,回到浪迹天涯的无拘生活。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant Gypsy life.

我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

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二十岁那年,我就逃出了父亲的家庭。直到现在还是过着流浪的生活。I fled from home at twenty. And so far I still live the life of a vagrant.

经过一段流浪生活,他巴不得回到家乡。After leading a vagrant life, he was too glad to get back to his home town.

世界上的一对小小的漂泊者呀,请你们的足印在我的文字里。One troupe of little vagrant of the world, leave your footprints in my words.

人总是被思念折磨,在思念里做一个可怜的流浪狗。People are always missed and tormented, make a pitiful vagrant dog in missing.

春心未尽花残去,秋风怎过荡子心?Spring flowers residual cardiac deficiencies go, how autumn over vagrant hearts?

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1980年代中国大陆,人类潜在的流浪情结逐渐被唤起。On mainland China in 1980s, the underlying vagrant complex was gradually aroused.

上元年间,是杜甫晚年漂泊生涯中的一个歇脚期。The period of Shangyuan is a rest stop for Du Fu in his late years of vagrant life.

我的家有3只狗,在之前过着颠沛流离的生活,然后它来到我家。I have 3dogs in my home, one lead a vagrant life before, and then it came to my home.

“氓”这个社会阶层的产生,实际上是时代的一次积极转变和更新。The emergence of a social stratum "Vagrant" marks a positive change and renewal of social times.

这些流浪儿童来自经济欠发达的偏远农村地区的贫困家庭。These vagrant children are from impoverished families in the under-developed remote rural areas.

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对喜欢挽轭,视林中康鹿为迷途流浪者的公牛呢?What of the ox who loves his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things?

工作,他坚持说,是唯一能把半死不活的流浪汉变成尊敬自己的人类的事。Work, he insisted, is the only thing to turn a half-alive vagrant into a self-respecting human being.

像督流浪满宗教渎圣象异堕落游荡。Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.