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警察怎样威逼他也没法使他招认。The police could not browbeat him into confessing.

老板威逼我接受所有这个额外的工作。The boss browbeat me into taking on all this extra work.

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昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头吓唬邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头恐吓邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

他们简直是在试图恐吓日本以使其处于一种永远顺从的状态。They are literally trying to browbeat Japan into a state of constant submission.

1985年,美国在广场协议会议上恫吓日本,让其日元升值。In 1985 the U.S. browbeat Japan at the Plaza Accord meetings into letting the yen rise.

在紧要关头美国必然会出手逼迫欧洲采取行动,美联储也会支持欧洲中央银行。It is a sure bet that at crucial moments America will be on hand to browbeat Europeans into taking action.

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不能说他们的实力在印度之上就可以打败我们。Just because they are ahead of India doesn't mean they can browbeat India and India in turn genuflect before them.

答案回结于现实上,中国高增长的经济体已经成为了跨国雄司能最快完成他们季度利润表的地方。The Chinese economy and its high growth engine is used to browbeat other countries viewed as growing insufficiently.

祖马仍然可以恐吓来自其他较小党派的足够议员来通过非国大希望通过的议案。He may still be able to browbeat enough parliamentarians from other, smaller parties into voting for any changes the ANC wishes to pass.

要迫使您的用户们接受某些糟糕的创新很容易,但这些创新什么也干不了,只会在用户使用程序时给他们添麻烦。It's really easy to browbeat your user community to accept some gawdawful innovation that will do nothing but annoy them for the life of the program.

医生有责任告诉患者相关信息,允许他们基于这些信息做出决定,而不应该威逼他们服从。But it is the responsibility of doctors to inform patients and allow them to make a decision based on this knowledge, not browbeat them into submission.

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它发起了一项正在进行的运动,恐吓欧洲国家的政府以抵制十二月在奥斯陆给*的授奖仪式。And it initiated a campaign, which is ongoing, to browbeat European governments into boycotting the December ceremony in Oslo at which Liu will be honored.

拒绝向大众灌输某种社会意识,是美国娱乐能在全球流行的最重要原因。The refusal to browbeat an audience with a social message has accounted, more than any other factor, for the worldwide popularity of American entertainment.