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加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?With ketchup or mayonnaise?

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茄汁是由蕃茄制成。Ketchup is made from tomatoes.

请加蕃茄酱和芥末。With ketchup and mustard, please.

那么尝尝草莓酱吧。Then let's try strawberry ketchup.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger with ketchup and mustard.

汉堡都加了芥茉和蕃茄酱。They all come with mustard and ketchup.

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你可以给我一点蕃茄酱配蛋吃吗?Do you have some ketchup for these eggs?

请给我一些番茄酱和纸巾?Please give me sone ketchup and napkins.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B、They all come with mustard and ketchup.

你的热狗要加些蕃茄酱吗?Do you want some ketchup on your hot dog?

我仍然对番茄酱敬而远之。P.S – I still have issues eating ketchup.

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汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B, They all come with mustard and ketchup.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger are with mustard and ketchup.

你能多给我拿一些番茄酱包吗?Can you give me some extra ketchup packets?

她喜欢吃薯条时配蕃茄酱。She likes to eat French fries with ketchup.

亨氏番茄酱番茄酱是由亨氏公司品牌。Heinz Tomato Ketchup is a brand of ketchup by H.

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我想我不大爱吃面包加土豆泥。I'm afraid I don't like bread with potato ketchup.

芥茉和蕃茄酱在那边,请自己用。Mustard and ketchup are there. Help yourself, please.

您的薯条要不要来一包蕃茄酱?Would you like to have a pack of ketchup for your fries?