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门向内打开了。The door swung inward.

他因犯谋杀罪而被处绞刑。He was swung for murder.

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她在穿着打扮上从不赶时髦。She never swung in dress.

她挥起书包打了他。She swung her bag at him.

他在我身边挥舞着木棍。He swung a club around me.

大门立时洞开。The door swung open at once.

那扇沉重的门向内转去。The heavy door swung inwards.

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他纵身一跃跳过了篱笆。He swung himself over the fence.

他一拳朝我打来,我动也没动接了他一拳。He swung at me and I invited him.

他纵身跨上马鞍。He swung himself into the saddle.

门又一次向里打开了。The door swung inward once again.

她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去。A set of keys swung from her belt.

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她在秋千上摆来摆去。She swung to and fro on the swing.

他挥拳向我击来,被我闪开没打中,他自己却摔倒了。He swung at me,but missed,and fell.

他们被迫放弃了他们的要求。They were swung their requirements.

他在跟我聊天时他的头来回摇动着。His head swung when he talked to me.

我们的祖母也被绞索绞死。Our grandmamas swung on them nooses.

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士兵们沿路摇摇摆摆地前进。The soldiers swung along the street.

当他敲门时,门晃了一下开了。As he knocked, it swung farther open.

他突然掉转身,看着那二个人。He swung round and looked at the men.