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这只是奥兰·海斯特曼所行项目中的几项。These are among the programs cited by Oran B.

“猪肉公主”,这是一个名字,还是一种挑逗?!!"Pork Princess" is that a name oran invitation?! !

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其他留下的黑脚仔在奥兰等城镇遭到屠杀。Others who stayed were massacred in places like Oran.

死亡的乌云笼罩着奥兰这座孤城。A dark cloud of death covers the isolated city of Oran.

人们是应该选择职业发展,还是高薪呢?Should one opt for career development oran immediate high salary?

这是有可能的结果,该方法的奥兰选择征求意见。That is likely a result of the method Oran chose to solicit feedback.

这似乎是个魔幻世界,多彩斑斓——红、橙、黄、绿、蓝。It seemed a magic world, a world of colors--red, oran yellow, green and blue.

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特拉维夫居民约西·奥兰说,这为恢复和平谈判带来了希望。Tel Aviv resident Yossi Oran said it offered hope for a resumption of the peace talks.

奥兰14岁时被诊断出阿斯伯格综合症,现在在Aspiritech公司工作。Oran was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when he was 14. He now works at Aspiritech.

Oran出生在阿曼首都以南Tafila省的一个贫穷的村庄。Oran was born into a poor village in the Tafila governorate, south of the capital city of Amman.

他还不能支付得起一台电脑和互联网连接的费用,但是他表示这至少也是一个好的开始。He still cannot affordtheprice of a computer oran Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start.

白葡萄酒由于反射阳而呈现某种橙色的韵彩。Oran excellentge tint. Colour of certain white wines, which lookup somewhat oran excellentge by reflected light.

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那时候女性几乎没有教育机会,Oran说她幸运地上完了中学。There were few educational opportunities for women at the time, and Oran says she was lucky to complete her secondary school education.

他要求欧佩克成员在奥兰的西方阿尔及利亚的城镇中即将到来的部长级会议会议中做出正确决定和寻找一一致意见。He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran.

李欧医生痛失亲密战友,于是将奥兰市的诸多痛苦,以及许多失去的宝贵的生命记录下来,希望能给未来一代一个启示。Dr. Rieux suffers over the loss of his dear friend. He records the many sufferings of the Oran citizens, and the many lives lost, hoping to teach a lesson to future generations.

宾夕法尼亚州应急事务处理局长官奥兰•亨德森,一位退役上校,在1979年3月28日清晨通知了索恩伯勒有关三里岛事故的情况。Retired Colonel Oran Henderson, the head of Pennsylvania's Emergency Management Agency, informed Thornburgh of the incident at Three Mile Island on the morning of March 28, 1979.

2009年,Oran成为了约旦大学科学系的第一个女系主任,而她的丈夫是该系的成员,这最终实现了她的母亲对她的梦想。In 2009, Oran finally achieved her mother's dream for her when she became the first female dean of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Jordan, of which her husband is a member.