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一天,夫妻为了孩子的一件小事吵起来。One day, they argued for a bagatelle of their children.

一天,两个小孩子因为一点小事而打起架来。One day, two children fighted each other for bagatelle.

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虽然这只是件芝麻小事,但是你知道吗?Although this is a sesame seed bagatelle only, but do you know?

感情的事和生活琐事不能混为一谈!Emotive thing and life bagatelle cannot confuse sth with sth else!

英格安德森在唱歌“小事”餐厅关闭伯克利街。Inga Andersen Singing At " Bagatelle" Restaurant Off Berkeley Street.

然而今年的小品只是想推出他的徒弟以至于这场演出更像是一个秀。However, this year's bagatelle just wanted to promote Zhao's students so that the act likes a show.

沟通的方法是先从小事入手,尽可能表达清楚扼要。Communication method is first from bagatelle proceed with, convey as far as possible clear and compendious.

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这一至理名言具有强烈的震撼力和深刻的哲理性。"Masses interest does not have bagatelle " the philosophic theory sex that this one axiom has strong shock force and profundity.

有时常因一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事与人争吵或生闷气,人际关系搞得很紧张。Often quarrel because of the bagatelle of a few trifles and person sometimes or be born fuggy , human relation is done very tensely.

再数下去,还有那几个鸟笼子、铁裙箍、钢滑冰鞋、安女王时代的煤斗子、弹子戏球台、手摇风琴——全都丢失了,还有一些珠宝,也遗失了。Then there were the bird cages, the iron hoops, the steel skates, the Queen Anne coal-scuttle, the bagatelle board, the hand organ--all gone, and jewels, too.

他们希望自己的言行能引起他人的关注,虚荣心强,自我中心,自我放纵,常对区区小事情绪反应过于强烈,有时无端发脾气。They hope their words and deeds can cause the attention of other, peacockish , egocentric, ego abandon, often react to trifling bagatelle mood too intense, sometimes for no reason gets angry.

陶德所在的机修车间只有8个人,原先是全厂闻名的“等、靠、要”单位,大事干不来,小事又不干。The machine repair shop that Tao De is in has 8 people only, former it is entire plant is famed " etc, lean, should " unit, important matter doing does not come, bagatelle does not work again.