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我们把检索与机译结合。We combine retrieval with MT.

用于数据检索的一种关键字。A key used for data retrieval.

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检索与机译结合。Retrieval is combined with MT.

在湿地不好游戏。No retrieval romps in the marsh.

设置一个默认数据检索模式。Set a default data retrieval mode.

可视信息检索?。VIR? Virtual Information Retrieval?

纵横填字谜都是伟大的词检索。Crosswords are great for word retrieval.

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这可提高检索数据的速度。This increase the speed of data retrieval.

基于形状的书法字检索。Retrieval of shape-based calligraphy character.

难道我就得失去一切,没有挽回的机会吗?Am I to lose all, without a chance of retrieval?

雅虎也在开发类似的结构化数据检索Yahoo Working on Similar Structured Data Retrieval

提出了一个基于模糊逻辑的图像检索系统。A fuzzy logic-based image retrieval system is proposed.

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但是,检索算法可能同样也帮不上忙。Yet again, the retrieval algorithm might not be helpful.

workers——可以实现检索流程的员工workers -- staff who may implement the retrieval process

本文提出一种检索方法——“抽取检索法”。A new method called"Decimation Retrieval Method"is given.

从模拟实例动态地检索WSDL和模式。Dynamic WSDL and Schema retrieval from simulation instance.

而这种重吸收作用受损就会导致蛋白尿发生。Dysfunction of this retrieval pathway leads to albuminuria.

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提高基于实例设计的效果,有效的实例检索是关键之一。Efficient case retrieval is a key factor in case-base design.

台湾植物花粉的资料储存及识别系统。A data storage and retrieval system for Formosan pollen grans.

提出了一种基于投影轮廓的检索算法。Based on projective contour a retrieval algorithm is proposed.