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我们等待风势减弱。We waited for the wind to godown.

出版商以前走过应用之路。Publishers have godown the app road before.

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当时大包的橡胶正在货栈被称重。Bales of rubber were being weighed at a godown.

他正在查阅产成品的入库单。He is checking the godown entry of the finished products.

购入货仓,发展新加坡仓库生意。Purchased warehouse in Singapore for expanding godown storage business.

如果你们帮助我们夺回国土的话,我们也将协助你们的战斗。Will you godown with us, to fight for our land? We will help you fight for yours!

在肯亚首都奈洛比的仓库艺术中心,杂技演员在训练课程中练习。Acrobats practise during a training session at the Godown Arts Centre in Kenya's capital Nairobi August 28, 2006.

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民生货仓具有超过20年之贮货管理经验,而货仓面积约有30万平方呎。Man Sun Godown Ltd has more than 20 years of experience in Warehouse industry and has 300,000 sq. ft. area of space.

“看!”补路工回答,伸出了手指。“从这儿下去,对直穿过街道,经过泉水——”"See! " returned the mender of roads, with extended finger. "You godown here, and straight through the street, and past the fountain--"

本系统目标是实现入库、库存和出库统一管理,帮助企业实现产品信息化管理。It was achieve warehousing, stock and deliver from godown unify , help enterprise realize product informatization supervise to into that these system object.

葵中货仓有限公司成立于1981年,位于心脏地带的嘉里货运中心,无疑是海,陆,空货运的必然首选。Quei Chong Godown Limited was established in 1981. It is occupies a key position at the centre of Kwai Chung and is ideally located for air, sea and frieght.

一幢五层楼砖结构大厦,占地面积约20英亩,其底层为一大服装商店铺面,另有宽大的二层楼仓库,其后为天井及一汽车库。Consisting of a five-storey brick building covering about20 acres. Ground floor with a large clothing store. Large two- storied godown with vault and a garage at the back.