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雅马哈的工厂在中国是新的,工作人员业务能力不精。Yamaha's factory in China is new, with a reletively unseasoned staff.

色拉,现在指未加调味料的一堆蔬菜,也是来自“加了盐的”这层意思。Salad, which can now refer to an unseasoned pile of vegetables, also comes from the idea of "salted. ""

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但是我们用的服务没有经过培训,没有经验的工人,结果我们开始失去顾客。But the service we were using had untrained, unseasoned workers and we began losing customers as result.

因此,在我国新股发行制度变迁过程中,不同制度变迁主体角色发生了变化和转换。Hereby in the process of stock unseasoned issuance change, different system change roles vary and shift.

它是决定新股发行制度变迁效率的诸多变量因素中最重要的外生变量。Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable.

无论他做了什么,他肯定不该被一个像你那样的未经世事的孩子夸张地品头论足。Whatever he may have done, he certainly deserves more than to be harangued by an unseasoned boy like yourself.

新的不稳定的股票,通常流通股很少,但是一旦被大众看中,它们的日成交量会很高,提高了周转率。New unseasoned stocks often have very small floats, but when they catch the public's eye, their daily volumes go sky-high, lifting the TRO.

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因此总结我国新股发行制度变迁过程的普遍规律是一个具有鲜明强制性的缓慢渐进的局部制度变迁过程。In a summery, our national stock unseasoned issuance system change is featured with characteristics of compulsion , slowness and partialness.

奴隶在抵达了南方温和的没有经验的炸鸡食谱是在古老的苏格兰西非使用和添加香料的。Slaves arriving in the South took the bland, unseasoned fried chicken being used in old Scottish recipes and added West African spices to it.

指导戏中戏的是位经验不足的英国导演,仓促之下,他决定把剧组丢在丛林中,扔掉剧本,用事先隐藏的摄像机对他们进行拍摄。In short order, the unseasoned British director of the film-within-the-film decides to leave the group in the jungle, abandoning the script, and film them instead with hidden cameras.