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他是一个俗不可耐的人。He's an unbearably vulgar person.

我发觉她总爱管闲事真让人受不了。I've always found her unbearably nosey.

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另一些地方,像在埃及,天气仍然还是难以忍受地酷热。In other places, like Egypt, it is unbearably hot.

两部分之间的间隔不会太久!The hiatus between new episodes is never too unbearably long!

牌在她的眼前晃动起来,她的心痛得厉害。The mahjong tiles blurred before her eyes. Her heart ached unbearably.

能喝一碗肉汤,能看一场电影,就是极大的享受,乐不可支了。Can drink a broth, can watch a movie, be biggest enjoy, unbearably happy.

手动测试每个组合将是不能忍受的痛苦。It would be unbearably painful to test each of these combinations by hand.

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据说有令人难以忍受的巨大响声,昭示着大灾难的狂风,以及诡异的蓝光。There were reports of unbearably loud sounds, apocalyptic winds, strange blue lights.

夏天炎日照射屋顶,顶层的房间热得受不了。In summer the sun beats down on the roof, so that the upper rooms become unbearably hot.

出来的效果是无比地紧张和悬疑,正如他一路既往的风格。The results are almost unbearably tense and as suspenseful as anything he’s done in his career.

我们都明白,除非我们做点什么,否则这次见面会变得很悲凉,令人无法忍受。We both realized that, unless we did something, the meeting was going to become unbearably sad.

老板忙不过来,但是没有可以委以重任的助手。Boss is unbearably busy, but does not have the assistant who may entrust with an important task.

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我完全是一个白带新手,整堂课上我都非常的紧张。I had a total beginner’s white belt and felt unbearably nervous the whole way through the class.

我突然发现自己俗不可耐,反正都要死了,要钱做什么。I suddenly detection oneself being unbearably vulgar, anyway and all wanted dead and money do what.

这些工作往往使人身心疲惫,而且往往在肮脏并且令人难以忍受的酷热活着严寒的条件下工作。The work is physically exhausting, mentally numbing and often performed in filthy and unbearably hot or cold conditions.

为了给我鼓劲,父亲就给我讲述他年轻时沐浴过的冰冷得难以忍受的冷水浴。To give me courage my father would tell of the unbearably freezing baths he had himself been through in his younger days.

我猜这是因为,上一次我们被迫停工的时候,天气冷得简直无法忍受,我们唯一能做的就是钻进睡袋里熬过严寒。I guess the last time we had to hang around it was so unbearably cold all we could do was get into our sleeping bags to survive.

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静脉曲张又开始痒得难忍难熬,可他连搔一搔也不敢,生怕给闹得红肿发炎。Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably . He dared not scratch it, because if he did so it always became inflamed.

“即便赞扬我的评论也多似明褒实贬,”他说。“他们会说我的表演不错,荒诞得几乎让人接受不了。”Even my good reviews have tended to be backhanded compliments, " he says. "They'll say I was good and almost unbearably grotesque. "

许多胡同内的房子内没有自来水,公厕冬天冰冷刺骨,夏天恶臭逼人。Many such alleys had no running water in the houses, and the communal toilets were freezing in winter and unbearably close in summer.