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粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。The fluctuation in range is called straggling.

近来价格浮动得很厉害。There has been much price fluctuation recently.

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所有的视力波动在几周内可减小。Any fluctuation will usually subside within a few weeks.

布朗的悲剧在于他的动摇与软弱。Brown' s tragedy is due to his fluctuation and flabbiness.

最大输出电压高,弧长长,搞网压波动能力强。High Max output voltage, stable against voltage fluctuation.

如何熨平经济波动,减少波动带来的福利损失?。How to smooth the fluctuation and reduce the loss of welfare?

同样地,音乐也是在忽高忽低、抑扬顿挫中游走。Also, the pitch of music is played in fluctuation and cadence.

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央行成功抑制了这样的经济波动。The Central Bank successfully curbed the economic fluctuation.

每起钻20柱,要核对泥浆的升降情况。Check the fluctuation of mud level whenever 20 string pulled out.

每起钻20柱,要核对泥浆的升降情况。Check the fluctuation of mud level whenever 20 strings pulled out.

上饶县农地利用变化的波动性。The fluctuation of agricultural land use change in Shangrao County.

分布和丰度的年际变化明显。Annual fluctuation in distribution and abundance of larvae was evident.

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此外,那样的波动会导致社会不稳定。In addition, that kind of fluctuation would lead to social instability.

脂肪体细胞内蛋白质合成作用是现脉冲式的变化。The protein synthesis in fat body cells displayed pulse like fluctuation.

运用这一方法,我们可以抽掉总需求中不断变化的因素。Using this approach, we can abstract from fluctuation in Aggregate Demand.

药剂浓度大幅波动、人工加药不及时是药耗偏大的主要原因。Fluctuation of inhibitors consistency and manual dosing are the main reasons.

由于这些欠债包括股票,因此会受市场波动影响。Because the liabilities include stock, they are subject to market fluctuation.

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二级湖水位的升降变化可以形成有利的岩性圈闭。Lithological trap may be developed during second-order lake level fluctuation.

该文还讨论了介观电容耦合电路的量子涨落。The quantum fluctuation of this mesoscopic coupling circuit is also discussed.

经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.