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它在那正在暗下去的芦苇丛中摇晃不已。Rocking in darkening reeds.

烦恼就像一把摇椅。Worry is like a rocking chair.

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杰米坐上了摇椅。Jamie sat in the rocking chair.

但是一年后他们个个都很棒。But after a year, they were rocking.

观众笑得前俯后仰。The audience was rocking with laughter.

小船在江面上晃荡。The small boat is rocking on the river.

他坐在椅中轻摇入睡。He sat rocking himself to sleep in his chair.

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不知道是红衣女伴舞还是她伴唱?。She was rocking while the lady in red danced.

他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

她看着妈妈轻轻地摇着椅子边织着毛衣。She looked at Ma, gently rocking and knitting.

坐在摇椅里,却怎么也摇不起来。You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going.

经四母亲推动婴儿摇篮时的哼唱。Even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle.

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他坐在火炉旁边摇来摆去,象是忍受着什么痛苦似的。He sat rocking over the fire, as if he was in pain.

配有摇摆功能,可做摇马使用。With the rocking function use as the rocking horse.

你还能记起你祖父的摇椅吗?Can you still recall your grandfather’s rocking chair?

他越来越坐立不安,在椅子里,来来回回晃动着身体。He grew panicked, rocking back and forth in his chair.

并提出丝杠铰链摇摆门机构新方案。The guide screw hinge rocking door was the conclusion.

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由于地震,这幢楼在摇晃。The building was rocking about because of the earthquake.

我把脸埋在它柔软的绒毛里,轻柔地摆动着它。I buried my face in his soft fur while rocking him gently.

她将鹅卵石有节奏的一遍一遍地翻转。She turns the pebbles over and over, rhythmically, rocking.