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我不能说他是个酒鬼。I wouldn' t say he' s a tippler.

在滁州时,自号醉翁。When in Chuzhou, since the number tippler.

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“为了忘却。”酒鬼回答。"So that I may forget, " replied the tippler.

乔治叔叔喜欢喝一杯,但是他经常喝醉。Uncle George was a tippler and often got drunk.

偏偏,他又要喝酒又要羞愧。"Ashamed of drinking! "the tippler brought him speech to an end.

对于普通的酒鬼来说,红酒有益健康这个说法是令人无法抗拒的。The idea that red wine is actually good for your health is irresistible to the average tippler.

实际上红葡萄酒有益健康,这个说法对嗜酒的人来说,有着不可抵挡的诱惑力。The idea that red wine is actually good for your health is irresistible to the average tippler.

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除了每天收拾空瓶子的人,再也没有人会想到女校长原来是各秘密饮酒的酒徒。No one could have guessed that the headmistress was a tippler except the man who carried away the empty bottles.

“我羞愧我喝酒。”酒鬼说完以后就再也不开口了。"Ashamed of drinking! " The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.

小王子所访问的下一个星球上住着一个酒鬼。访问时间非常短,可是它却使小王子非常忧伤。The next planet was inhabited by a tippler. This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection.

由于翻车机跨度减半,整机应力大幅度下降,设备安全可靠性大大提高。Because the span of the tippler is halved, the stress of the whole tippler is greatly reduced, and the safety of the tippler is greatly improved.

银行行长确实是个名不虚传的酒徒,他点菜的顺序是先点两瓶茅台酒。The manager of the bank deserves the reputation of tippler he enjoys indeed. He orders two bottles of Maotai immediately when he is asked to order dishes.

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利用排队系统的数学模型导出了车辆到港装卸作业效率指标的运算公式,并通过翻车机作业实例,阐述了效率指标的计算方法。The operation expressions of system's capacity are derived using math model and Chapman Kolmogorov Equation. A car tippler is given to illustrate how to calculate the system's capacity.