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你知道通向塔尔萨的公路吗?去机场的路和它交会。Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it.

自首次注意到图尔萨后院里的一只蜘蛛以来,我已经被它们深深地迷住了。Since I first noticed one in my Tulsa backyard, I've been smitten.

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多年以来,塔尔萨市从来不缺少贫穷和绝望。Tulsa has seen its share of poverty and desperation over the years.

美国俄克拉何马州东北部一城市,塔尔萨的一个郊区。人口58,043。A city of northeast Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa. Population, 58,043.

能源非常丰富的地方是非常适合屋主的,塔尔萨居民就是证明。The energy belt is a good place for homeownership as Tulsa residents can attest.

来自德州的AA联盟的队伍,塔尔萨掘洞者队正在为他们教练的去世而哀悼。The Tulsa Drillers , a AA Texas League team is mourning the death of their coach.

2011年的石板打开家对一个被低估的塔尔萨队轮空一周。The 2011 slate opens at home against an underrated Tulsa squad followed by a bye week.

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转塔及油泵一刻不停的工作着,随之而形成了塔尔萨市和俄克拉何马市。Rigs and pumps sprang up seemingly overnight, and along with them, the cities of Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

我们于午夜安全抵达塔尔萨。兰迪和克莉丝汀已在机场等待着我们。We made it safely, arriving in Tulsa at midnight. Randy and Crista were there at the airport, waiting for us.

维那蒙先生说,公司的主要支柱是依赖于来自塔尔萨地区卓越的技术人才队伍,并且保持着持续发展的良好态势。Venamon says the company is staffed with excellent personnel from the Tulsa area and is continuing to see growth.

接着是位于堪萨斯州、阿肯色州和密苏里州附近的俄克拉荷马州的普莱尔市,距塔尔萨约30英里。Then there is Pryor, Oklahoma, which sits near the Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri state lines, about 30 miles from Tulsa.

LaBarge公司将在今年夏天开始制造任务,有望于2009年1月完成。Production on the contract began this summer at LaBarge's Tulsa operation and is expected to continue through January 2009.

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美国俄克拉荷马州中东部一城市,位于塔尔萨西南偏南方,它是一个农业区内的贸易中心。人口18,074。A city of east-central Oklahoma south-southwest of Tulsa. It is a trade center in an agricultural region. Population, 18,074.

巴特而斯维尔位于俄克拉何马东北一城市,位于塔尔萨北部的,是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心,人口34,256。A city of northeast Oklahoma north of Tulsa. It is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region. Population, 34,256.

我们已经与塔尔萨地区社区学校合作,免费给这些低收入学校提供课程。We've also partnered with the Tulsa Area Community Schools Initiative to offer classes at discounted rates at several lower-income schools.

马斯科吉美国俄克拉荷马州东部一城市,位于塔尔萨东南部,临阿肯色河。建立于1872年,是一个商业和工业中心。人口37,708。A city of eastern Oklahoma on the Arkansas River southeast of Tulsa. Founded in1872, it is a trade and industrial center. Population, 37, 708.

这些大学教练会像塔尔萨的布兹·彼特森一样在学校外面呆上一年,然后又跑到田纳西州签定百万美圆的协议。Alright, these college coaches will stay out of school for a year like Buzz Peterson at Tulsa and go take that multi-million dollar deal at Tennessee.

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双A德克萨斯州联赛队伍“塔尔萨钻孔机”队正在悼念他们的教练,迈克是在被一直线坏球击中头部身忘。The Tulsa Drillers, a AA Texas League team is mourning the death of their coach. Mike Coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head.

德克萨斯联赛丙级球队--塔尔萨操练者队的教练迈克库尔鲍命丧一记直线界外球下。棒球击中了他的头部。全队默哀。The Tulsa Drillers, a AA Texas League team is mourning the death of their coach. Mike Coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head.

德克萨斯州AA联队“塔尔萨钻孔”队正在悼念他们的教练迈克,昨晚他被一击强力直线界外球击中头部身亡。The Tulsa Drillers , a AA Texas League team is mourning the death of their coach. Mike Coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head.