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络筒机槽筒突然加速、突然减速。Sudden acceleration and deceleration of winding drum.

梯度离心,加减速最好在5档以上。Gradient centrifugation, deceleration in 5 file above.

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梯度离心,加减速最好在5档以上。Gradient centrifugation, deceleration in 5 file above. Best.

贸易数据是首批出现减速的经济数据之一。Trade data are among the first to register the deceleration.

采用平形轴式减速机构,效率高。Take efficient speed deceleration mechanism by parallel shafts.

须知,现在最先进的刹车系统最多只能产生大约1个负重力加速度的减速能力。Modern cars brake with a maximum of roughly 1 G of deceleration.

减速使新介质获得不同的折射率。The deceleration gives the new medium a different refractive index.

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突然减速也可能造成主动脉内膜的剪式裂伤。Sudden deceleration may also result in shearing injury to the intima of the aorta.

越过障碍接近木星的探测器能承受剧烈的减速吗?Hurdling down toward the planet, could the probe endure such a drastic deceleration?

从2000年开始,CERN的反质子减速器就在进行这样的减速过程。Since 2000 this deceleration has been carried out by the Antiproton Decelerator at CERN.

报道了利用红移漫射光冷却原子的新机制。A new deceleration and cooling mechanism by red shifted diffuse light have been reported.

开发出一种汽车轮胎气压监测与爆胎自动减速系统。A tire pressure monitoring and automatic deceleration system for tire blow-out is developed.

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计算作用在拦阻钩上的冲击载荷和飞机的减速过程。Considering the kink-wave passing, the impact load and aircraft deceleration were calculated.

游戏用左右键移动,用上键加速,用下键减速。The game uses or so key ambulation , using up the key acceleration, using the key deceleration.

无谓地把燃油消耗在,最大加速和最大减速上了。And you are using that fuel unnecessarily for the maximum acceleration and maximum deceleration.

欧盟作为一个整体可能会觉得,作为一个整体的世界经济增长减速放缓。The E.U. as a whole will probably feel a deceleration of growth as the overall world economy slows.

数控系统还必须计算进刀和退刀,以及加速度和减速度。The control also must calculate approach and escape motions as well as acceleration and deceleration.

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当加减速完成后,停止加减速控制,电子齿轮恢复正常。When the deceleration is completed, stopped and deceleration control, electronic gear back to normal.

车辆减速策略与跟驰车距具有相互制约的关系。There is mutual restriction between vehicular deceleration strategies and its safe following distance.

历史经验表明,这种减速将对人类发展造成影响,”Devarajan说。And if history is a guide, this deceleration will have an impact on human development,” says Devarajan.