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什么是极慢的邮件?What is snail mail?

蜗牛把触角缩了回去。The snail drew in its horns.

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蜗牛伸出牠的触角。The snail obtruded its horns.

蜗牛一觉可以睡3年!A snail can sleep for 3 years.

蜗牛一触就缩回去了。A snail shrinks back at a touch.

不用麻烦,咱蜗牛速度赛过极品飞车。Don't worry. It's a racing snail.

我甚至也在蜗牛壳中睡觉。I even slept in the snail as well.

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他打开门又看见那只蜗牛。He opens it and sees the same snail.

教育,外语,英语学习,“蜗牛和黄鹂鸟”?。"A snail and a yellowbird" is a song.

黏液有助于蜗牛滑行。The slime helps the snail slide along.

蜗牛用触角推进墨绿色的夜晚The snail pushes through a green night

蜗牛在沙径上缓慢爬行。The snail dawdled along the sandy path.

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蜗牛粥宣告品位革命的到来?。Snail porridge heralding changing tastes?

填好表格,放进蜗牛邮件中寄出。Fill out the forms and snail mail them in.

这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。The snail was the blue-haired fairy's pet.

事实上,大多数蜗牛去除有铜为基础。Indeed, most snail removers are copper based.

螺蛳湾四区后采莲路上有。Bay Area after four snail Picking on the road.

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就像在针眼里找蜗牛。Like looking fora snail in a needle. Or summat.

两只蜗牛一直生活在款冬叶上。A snail was living on a back of a butterbur leaf.

他行动起来比蜗牛还慢,总是拄着拐杖走路。He is slower than a snail and uses a walkingstick.