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银行只是周边的参与者。Banks are only peripherally involved.

血流量会减少,视力失败外围第一。As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first.

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周围无淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润。No lymphocytes and plasmacytes were infiltrative peripherally.

数字艺术作品总是将观点指出,即使只是外围。The artwork always figures into view out, even if only peripherally.

一篇文章可能拥有几个标签,许多标签只是在外围上与文章相关。A post may have several tags, many of which relate to it only peripherally.

可见肺外带胸膜下结节,与肺裂相关。Subpleural nodules are visible peripherally and in relation to the major fissures.

这些年来,我直接或间接地参与了好几种编程语言的设计。I've been involved in several different language designs, either directly or peripherally.

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目的探讨经外周静脉穿刺植入中心静脉导管在小儿白血病化疗中的应用效果。Objective To study the effects of peripherally inserted central catheter in the chemotherapy of leukemia in children.

放置像下面一样的设计图片在您的计算机背景上或打印出来,并把它挂起来。Put a design like this on your computer background or print it off and hang it up so you are peripherally aware of it.

大部分之鳞状齿源性肿瘤发生于颚骨中,文献中只有二例发生于牙龈。The majority of reported SOTs occurred centrally in the jawbone. Only 2 cases were located peripherally on the gingiva.

电脑断层发现一个周边显影的结节在右下颌髁状突颈部并有骨头腐蚀。Computed tomography showed a peripherally enhancing nodular lesion adjacent to the neck of right mandibular condyle with bony erosion.

该系统采用PIC单片机,外围配置几个电阻、电容,即可实现热敏电阻数字化。The technique uses PIC single chip and puts several resistances and capacitances peripherally so that it can make thermal sensitive digital.

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近中心放置的螺钉比偏心放置的螺钉更长,且在每侧骨折端位置更深。A more centrally placed screw is generally longer and has more length of screw on each side of the fracture than does a peripherally placed screw.

增强扫描变化较大,个别囊肿囊壁可以出现鳞状上皮化生或者周边被移位的垂体组织所环绕。Variability in CT contrast enhancement among individual cysts may reflect squamous metaplasia in the wall or a peripherally displaced rim of pituitary tissue.

经过分子修饰的BDNF在体内可以穿越血脑屏障,其外周给药对AD鼠海马神经元有保护作用。ConclusionMolecular modified BDNF can transport across the BBB in vivo, and peripherally administered BDNF has protective efficacy on hippocampal neuron of AD rats.

这些环境也许或也许没有和你的存在相关,可是它们对于那些周围涉及或紧密影响到的人来说是重大转变。These circumstances may or may not have a bearing on your existence, but they are major shifts to the people who are peripherally involved or intimately affected by them.

有些人早早退休了,有些人失业了,有些人或许只与经济活动沾点边,根本不会有这种情况。You've got people retiring early, you've got the unemployed, you've got other people maybe only peripherally involved in the economy who don't have this situation at all.

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口腔内脂肪瘤是一个众所周知的实体,而是脂肪瘤包括涎腺组织含有群集或边缘位于导管和腺泡细胞是罕见的。Intra-oral lipoma is a well-known entity, but lipomatous tumors including salivary gland tissue containing clustered or peripherally located ducts and acinar cells are uncommon.

把单值边缘连续映射的概念推广到集值映射上,并且给出了集值边缘连续映射是连续映射与连通映射的条件。The concept of peripherally continuous mappings is extended to set-value and the conditions are given which set-value peripherally continuous mappings are continuous and connected mappings.

病人摆好体位,开始涂擦消毒液消毒,每次使用一枚无菌纱布拭子醮取消毒液后开始消毒,以手术切口区中心逐渐向外扩展。With the patient in the proper position, the solutions are applied, each with a separate sterile sponge stick, beginning in the central area of the site of the incision and proceeding peripherally.