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是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸吗?Sour grapes?

这个婴儿的衣服有酸味。He has a sour face.

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这食物品尝起来有酸味。The food tastes sour.

牛奶有酸味了。The milk smells sour.

牛奶有酸味。The milk tastes sour.

这苹果有酸味。The apple tastes sour.

这牛奶馊了。The milk has gone sour.

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这汤变得酸腐了。The soup has gone sour.

这牛奶馊了。This milk has gone sour.

柠檬有股酸味。Lemons have a sour taste.

甜酸肉丸子。Sweet and sour meatballs.

牛奶酸了。The milk has turned sour.

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牛奶发酸了。The milk has turned sour.

我感到一种刻毒的怨气。I felt a sour hatefulness.

这种梨是酸的。This kind of pear is sour.

这葡萄有酸味。The grape has a sour taste.

他的鞋有一股酸臭味儿。His shoes have a sour smell.

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这些葡萄真酸!How sour these grapes taste!

这梨带点酸味。This pear tastes a bit sour.

牛奶很快就会变酸。Thee milk will soon turn sour.