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我的名字叫达怾。My name's Ducky.

这是鸭子教程的最后一步。This is the end of the ducky tutorial.

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妈妈,做一只小鸭子,真是很快乐。Mama, being just Ducky was just ducky fun.

多么舒服温暖,这真是开心的一天啊!What a warm and wonderful, just ducky day.

这小鸭已经见证过许多历史瞬间。That ducky has been present at many historical moments.

鸭鸭哒哒,天要塌了。我们要去告诉国王。Ducky Daddle, the sky is falling. We're going to tell the king.

当然那时候是和我的玩具鸭子一起玩。Of course, back then all I had to play with was my rubber ducky.

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是否曾经想象过一只橡胶鸭子在一个巨大的浴缸里?Ever wonder what it's like to be a rubber ducky in a massive bathtub?

这小鸭还在舰队到达前参观了提克里特镇上萨达姆·侯赛因的府邸。The ducky visited Saddam Hussein’s palace in Tikrit before the Marines arrived.

她和她爸爸常常在地图上寻找着,看小鸭和我在哪里。She and her father would often look on the map to find where the ducky and I were.

无论是狩猎的最佳礼物或想要得到的东西只鸭子,许多伟大的选择,等待着你。Whether hunting for the perfect gift or wanting to get something just ducky , many great choices await you.

当我在卡尔扎伊总统府掏出这小鸭时,总统的保镖开始紧张起来,因为他们搞不懂我在做什么。When I took out the ducky at President Karzai’s palace, his security guards got nervous because they couldn’t figure out what I was doing.

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我想这些图片不仅会帮助塔莎学习地理知识,还会使她大开眼界,让她看看世界有多大,而一只小鸭能走多远。I'd like to think these postcards to Tasha not only helped her with geography but opened her eyes to the world — and how far a little ducky can go in it.

因此我一有空,就会在一个角落里拿出这个小鸭贴花,将它举起在镜头前,以20毫米的镜头喀嚓拍两张,让小鸭出现在照片中的最前面。So if I had a spare moment, I would hold the applique in front of the camera, at one corner, and shoot a couple of frames with a 24-millimeter lens, showing the ducky in its latest context.