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“但愿我能!”毕蒂答道。I wish I could! ' said Biddy.

一望而知,毕蒂已经教会了乔写字。Evidently Biddy had taught Joe to write.

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“你明白,你是永远做不到的。”毕蒂说道。But you never will, you see, ' said Biddy.

“哦,亲爱的,我不会介意的!”毕蒂说道,“你也不要介意我才是。”Oh dear, not at all! ' said Biddy. 'Don't mind me. '

当它陷入忘我之境的时候,小鸡从不发出了一种声音。The biddy never made a sound as it was carried away.

乔告诉了毕蒂所发生的一切,两人祝贺我。Joe told Biddy what had happened, and both congratulated me.

他开始为乔的工作和自己的家感到羞耻,然而,比蒂帮助他成为绅士,开始教育他。He begins to be ashamed of Joe and home and enlists Biddy to help educate him.

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我轻手轻脚地向前走去,想从花朵的上方窥探一下房里的情况,一眼便见到乔和毕蒂正手臂挽着手臂地站在面前。I went softly towards it, meaning to peep over the flowers, when Joe and Biddy stood before me, arm in arm.

当我姐姐发现毕蒂很聪明,说不定能懂得她的意思后,便在石板上又画了那个神秘难解的符号。When my sister found that Biddy was very quick to understand her, this mysterious sign reappeared on the slate.

当乔和毕蒂变得高兴一点儿时,开始讨论我未来可能的计划,我变得更悲惨了。As Joe and Biddy became a little more cheerful, discussing my possible plans for the future, I became more miserable.

毕蒂冷不防地转过脸来望着我的脸,比她刚才望着河上往来的船只更加专心致志。Biddy turned her face suddenly towards mine, and looked far more attentively at me than she had looked at the sailing ships.

当它被认为是热,我离开了窗口的新鲜空气,以及毕士她的朋友说,噢,我只是不能忍受这一切风。When it got hot, I left my window down for fresh air, and the biddy said to her friend, Oh, I just can't stand all that wind.

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我对毕蒂说我们还是再散一会儿步吧,于是我们便继续散步。这时,夏日午后慢慢地变成了夏日黄昏,周围的一切显得凉爽而美丽。I said to Biddy we would walk a little further, and we did so, and the summer afternoon toned down into the summer evening, and it was very beautiful.

我背靠在我的木椅上,注视着毕蒂把头斜在一边干着针线活,脑际中泛起了思潮,我开始认为毕蒂真是一位了不起的姑娘。Pursuing my idea as I leaned back in my wooden chair and looked at Biddy sewing away with her head on one side, I began to think her rather an extraordinary girl.

针母和下女们正为斗诉和丹芝的婚事作准备,而尹序就终于鼓起勇气向丹芝表白,二人决定私奔。Needle and biddy are preparing for the bucket v. and Dan zhis marriage, and finally summoned the courage to Dan Yin sequence is cheese, two of them decided to elope.

林小龙在路上撞见一歹徒绑架小女孩,小龙行侠仗义,击退歹徒救下女孩,并将小女孩安然无恙的送回。Lin Xiaolong meets by chance little girl of one gangster kidnap on the road, small Long Hangxia is generous, repel a gangster to help biddy child, remand little girl safe and soundly.

我很好奇为什么毕蒂不喜欢奥立克,也许是因为我姐姐被谋害这件事至今尚未水落石出,而毕蒂怀疑奥立克插手了此事,所以我就要把情况问清楚。Curious to know whether Biddy suspected him of having had a hand in that murderous attack of which my sister had never been able to give any account, I asked her why she did not like him.