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富兰克林,试得好。Good try, Franklin.

富兰克林,把钻子递给我。Pass me the drill, Franklin.

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富兰克林·保罗,吉姆·芬可By Franklin Paul and Jim Finkle

本·富兰克林于1790年去世,享年八十四岁。Ben Franklin died in 1790 at 84.

富兰克林还是一位卓越的作家。Franklin was also a tenanted writer.

富兰克林以及艾丽纳·罗斯福的是谁?。Who are Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt?

终极格斗斗士里克·富兰克林在高压氧舱里睡觉。And UFC fighter Rich Franklin sleeps in one.

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早晨好,富兰克林公司。我可以为你服务吗?Good morning Franklin Company, may I hlp you?

富兰克林其中一项着名的事迹。Name one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for.

滑稽,皮帽本杰明富兰克林曾经穿。The funny, fur hat Benjamin Franklin once wore.

班杰明富兰克林长大之后会成为什么样的人?What would Benjamin Franklin be when he grew up?

富兰克林陪伴我已有约18个年头。I have had Franklin in my life for about 18 years.

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班哲明‧富兰克林著称的一项事迹是什么?What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

可年轻的沃尔特是一个新型的农艺师。But young Walter Franklin was a modem agriculturist.

那位青年以本杰明·富兰克林为榜样。The youth patterned his life upon Benjamin Franklin.

不过年轻的沃尔特·富兰克林是位现代农业者。But young Walter Franklin was a modern agriculturist.

偏巧今天早上,我们夫人的外甥,弗兰克林先生就来了。Only this morning came my lady's nephew, mr. franklin.

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威尔金斯认为富兰克林是雇来的助手。Wilkins thought Franklin was hired to be his assistant.

法兰克林。罗斯福整整当了三任的总统。Franklin Roosevelt served three full terms as President.

黄恺琳今年毕业于糜鹿林的富兰克林高中。Kaylin Huang graduated from Franklin High School in 2011.