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密歇根大学W.K。凯洛格眼科中心。W. K. Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan.

伊利诺斯州西北大学J.L。凯洛格管理学院。J. L. Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University.

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菲尔普斯近期的行为与家乐氏的形象不符。Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg.

毕业于凯洛格的公司高管、高级经理人、企业家遍布全世界。Kellogg graduates are found among CEOs and top managers of many American companies.

作为示范,家乐氏在它最畅销的产品中做了一些去掉大部分盐的。As a demonstration, Kellogg prepared some of its biggest sellers with most of the salt removed.

在一封信中,家乐氏说低盐指南是“与美味饮食相矛盾的。”In a letter, Kellogg said that lower salt guidelines were “incompatible with a palatable diet.”

凯洛格毕业的28岁的乔纳森.斯迪奇去年收到了30个工作邀请,多数都是美国顶尖企业。Kellogg graduate Jonathan Scearcy, 28, had 30 job offers last year, most from top U.S. companies.

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基里斯杜法.尤灵斯是凯洛格幅射实验室的博士后研究员,他是加拿大人。Christopher Jillings is the postdoctoral fellow of the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory. He is Canadian.

凯洛格商学院长盛不衰的辉煌和声望源于不断的创新。The success and prestige of the Kellogg School of Management is due a tradition of excellence with innovation.

海军给我派了两个极佳的物理治疗师,鲍勃·凯洛格医生和南内特·帕科医生,他们每天一起帮我作恢复治疗。The navy gave me two great physical therapists, Dr. Bob Kellogg and Nannette Paco, who worked with me every day.

谷先生于1981年取得西北大学理学学士学位,1986年取得西北大学凯洛格商学院的MBA学位。He received his B. Sc. degree in 1981 from Northwestern University, Evanston IL and his MBA in 1986 from Kellogg.

凯洛格·施瓦布是约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院的水与健康研究中心的主任。Kellogg Schwab is director of the Center for Water and Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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斯派克的新主人凯利·克劳格和辛·爱勒,他们将为他们的7岁的女儿收养这条狗。Spiker's new owners, Kerry Kellogg and Sean Eller, are here to take the dog home to Kellogg's seven-year-old daughter.

自80年代以来,凯洛格商学院提出“团队精神”和“课程创新”而受到全国关注。Starting in the 1980s, Kellogg grabbed the attention of America through its focus on teamwork and curriculum innovation.

凯洛格学院助理院长罗克珊.霍里说,拥有国际性工作学生的人数经常在经济不景气时增多。The number of students taking international jobs usually swells in a recession, says Kellogg Assistant Dean Roxanne Hori.

本周早些时候,这已经促使凯洛戈Kellogg作为谨慎措施把其著名的克伯乐Keebler薄脆饼干的一些品种拿下货架。Earlier this week, it prompted Kellogg to pull some of its venerable Keebler crackers from store shelves, as a precaution.

汪维纲先生获得美国西北大学凯洛格商学院的MBA学位,以及大连理工大学的管理工程硕士和学士学位。Mr. Wang received his MBA degree from Kellogg and a M. S and B. S. in management engineering from Dalian University of Technology.

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前任家乐氏帝国董事长,美国商务部部长卡洛斯•古铁雷斯,依然广受欢迎。Carlos Gutierrez , the Commerce Secretary, was the former chief executive of the Kellogg empire and is still a sought-after commodity.

现在,蔡建平将毕业,有着在美国顶尖学校的—西北大学凯洛格学校管理学院—所有A的成绩。Today, Tsai is about to graduate, straight A's in hand, from Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, a top-rated program in America.

KBR通过其早期的优势在凯洛格公司的催化裂化技术领先地位自创建以来发展的过程。KBR through its ancestry in The M. W. Kellogg Company has been a leader in FCC technology developments since the inception of the process.