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她最近做了打胎。She had an abortion recently.

堕胎是应该受诅咒的罪恶。Abortion is an abominable sin.

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人工流产是否合法容易?Isn’t abortion legal and easy?

堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?Is abortion morally defensible?

斯洛伐克碾核乐队流产。Slovak grindcore band Abortion.

人流是想都别想的。An abortion is out of the question.

是否先兆流产?Whether or not foreboding abortion?

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超声和未来的人工流产。Ultrasound and the future of abortion.

她怀孕了,但做了人工流产。She was pregnant, but had the abortion.

他上周刚小产,身子虚得很。He is very weak from last week's abortion.

怎样看待性别选择性堕胎?。What Do You Think of Sex-selection Abortion?

我也是去年三月份自然流产过一次。In March last year, I had a spontaneous abortion.

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每年都有妇女死于流产并发症。Women die every year from abortion complications.

堕胎,不仅是一个生命的消失,对女。An abortion not only extinguishes a life, it also.

正是在这一点时,奥比安排堕胎。It is at this point when Obi arranges an abortion.

在伊州,极为普遍的堕胎问题非常难处理。In Illinois, as is true everywhere, abortion vexes.

自然流产后必须刮宫吗?After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage ?

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中国严厉打击性别选择性流产。China to harshly crack down on sex-selective abortion.

他为一个15岁的女孩做了人工流产。He carried out an abortion on a fifteen-year-old girl.

如果你的朋友要求流产的话,你会有什么反应?How would you react if your friend wanted an abortion?