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每一杯过量的酒都是魔鬼酿成的毒汁。Every inordinate cup is unblessed and the ingredient is a devil.

携带婴儿和幼儿需备有非常大量衣物。Babies and small children require an inordinate amount of clobber.

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直到有人发现你们正在分享数量过多的可执行文件。Until somebody notices that you're sharing an inordinate number of executable files.

他们走到了王座前面的接待室,位于今天这场混乱的中心。They reached the antechamber before the throne room the center of the inordinate activity.

那个案例中发现很小,但不正常数量的多发性肿瘤存在于45岁以下人员中。It found a small but inordinate number of multiple myeloma cases among responders under age 45.

他也属于那类对从各式各样的事物中得到最大程度的快乐有超强能力的人。He was also one of those with an inordinate capacity for extracting enjoyment from all and sundry.

一定要有几个异性朋友,没有非分之想。就是关键时候,帮你出出主意。Have some opposite-gender friends without inordinate ambitions. They will help you at crucial moments.

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如果上天没有赐予你极大的耐心,那么你需要很快地学会如何变得有耐心。If you were not blessed with an inordinate amount of patience, then you need to learn how to become so quickly.

在父权社会里,对于年轻女性的贞操,人们有着极大的兴趣。In patriarchal societies there tends to be an inordinate degree of interest placed on the virginity of young women.

我对那群狂人在地球每个角落的所作所为极为关注,这与我的童年有关。My own inordinate interest in what the lunatics are up to in every corner of our planet has to do with my childhood.

该组织在参与亚洲危机中的可见争议引起了各路的媒介的注意,有正面的也有负面的。Its visible and contentious involvement in the Asian crisis has attracted inordinate media attention both good and bad.

同样,团队经常花费过多的时间来维护并过分小心地对待他们的脚本驱动的构建系统。Likewise, teams often expend inordinate amounts of time maintaining and fussing over their script-driven build systems.

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但是,开发这样一个库需要编写大量难以阅读且难以维护的模板。But developing such a library involves writing an inordinate amount of unreadable and unmaintainable template mumbo-jumbo.

在阅读中,在学习新的事物中,在不断地丰富自我知识时,我感受到了无穷的乐趣。I find an inordinate amount of pleasure in reading, in learning about new things, in enriching my knowledge as I get older.

一种过分的属灵骄傲摧毁了上帝的古以色列人,它也能很容易地成为今日基督复临安息日会信徒的网罗。An inordinate spiritual pride destroyed God's Israel of old, and it could easily be a snare to Seventh-day Adventists today.

有很多人花了大把的时间和精力因为他人的想法和行为而感到心烦、生气甚至泄气。Some people spend inordinate amounts of time and energy upset, angry, or frustrated by other people’s thoughts and behaviors.

我遇到过的许多项目花费大量杂乱的时间在研究、调查、考虑体系结构的确定上。Many projects I encounter spend an inordinate amount of time researching, investigating, and pondering architectural decisions.

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这个国家得到相当多的阳光,而像内盖夫沙漠以南一带的区域仍然运作着一块开放的空间。The country gets an inordinate amount of sun, and areas like the Negev Desert in the south still sport quite a bit of open space.

他们很容易被击落,消耗过度的燃料,在反击广大敌人时几乎没有优势。They would be easy to shoot down, consume inordinate amounts of fuel, and had few advantages to counter an extended list of cons.

“您这种无度性冲动的诱因是什么呢?“我又问道。”我的意思是,一万两千多人,一天得好几次吧?“And to what do you attribute your inordinate sex drive?” I asked. “I mean, more than twelve thousand women. Sometimes several a day.”