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想和你在一起,哪怕是打打闹闹。And you want together , even ruckus.

但世代居住在西溪的居民厌倦了这种躁动。But Xixinan residents are fed up with the ruckus.

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我迟到了,老板把我臭骂了一顿。The boss kicked up quite a ruckus when I came in late.

这位教授因此激起了这样的争吵,于是,克罗利逮捕了他,并给他戴上了手铐。The professor then raised such a ruckus Crowley arrested and cuffed him.

公司由总裁兼首席执行官卢绮霞女士领导。Ruckus Wireless is led by Ms Selina Lo, president and chief executive officer.

这场骚动造成了至少六十九人受伤,布拉格也因此成了烟雾弥漫的战场。The ruckus left at least 69 people injured and turned Prague into a smoky battle zone.

另外,骚动可能最终不会像现在人们所想的那么有革命性。On the other hand, the ruckus may turn out to be less transformative than it now feels.

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他们的呼声使得项目得到了暂时性的拖延,巴西政府也采取了一些折衷措施保护了雨林生存。The ruckus temporarily stalled the project, and Brazil enacted some modest conservation measures.

很难想象这个偏远和宁静的地方可以引起影响全大陆的一场骚动。It is hard to think that this remote and tranquil spot could have caused such a continent-sized ruckus.

微软通过并购FAST,在企业搜索领域将会对其他对手造成暂时的骚动。Microsoft is likely to raise a ruckus in enterprise search and force consolidation among FAST’s rivals.

听到这话,这几个噪音制造者们显然不太高兴,但是,他们接受了他的出价,并且继续着他们在每天下午进行的击打,继续带来吵闹。The noisemakers were obviously displeased, but they accepted his offer and continued their afternoon ruckus.

当你把鼻胃管插入病人的鼻子时,就是最有气无力的病人也会拼命挣扎。Even the most out-of-it patients raise a mighty ruckus when you try to put NG tubes c down through their nose.

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桃金娘可以去她常出没的厕所,把水从马桶里溅出来,以此引起喧闹来提醒人们她是多么悲惨。Myrtle can splash water out of the toilet she haunts when she wants to cause a ruckus to demonstrate how miserable she is.

魏进忠看出了李潜舟想说什么最终因为王越的话没有说出来,立刻出声问道。The Wei saw Li Qian Zhou to mean to say into loyalty what end because the king is more don't talk, swiftly make a ruckus to ask a way.

如今的问题是,平壤会不会觉得自己有点受忽视了,故意制造足够的噪音让自己重回华盛顿的中心舞台?The question now is, Will Pyongyang, feeling a bit ignored, raise enough of a ruckus to force itself back onto Washington's center stage?

Twitter最近受到了媒体的追捧,我猜这让众多的用户来注册,想看看到底这玩意是干嘛用的。Twitter has gotten oodles of media attention lately, and I'm guessing that many users are signing up just to see what the ruckus is about.

切拉尼表示,即便在当前围绕筑路工程的争吵爆发之前,中国军人在拉达克地区那个角落的动作就越来越大。Even before the current ruckus over the road, Prof Chellaney said, Chinese soldiers had been increasingly aggressive in that corner of Ladakh.

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笔者还记得老上海柴油车宏轰鸣的日子,大街上黑烟滚滚、噪音刺耳!I still bear in my mind an impression of the annoying ruckus of an old Shanghai, represented by diesel vehicles with dark smoke and thrilling noise!

凤浩中不出声,只是温和地挥挥手,示意仆人们散去,这才轻轻拍拍凤羽的后背。Make no ruckus in the Feng Hao, just gently flick, marker prompt the maids to spread to work, this just lightly claps the empress of Feng feather to carry on the back.

人人俱是提心吊胆,束手束脚,唯恐一个不小心弄出声响来,就被心情严重不好的主人治了罪。Everyone's companioning is anxious and fold hands bunch feet, only maybe a carelessly alley make a ruckus ring, pedal mood severity the not good host cured misdemeanour.