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他们当中有很多人觉得乌兰乌德对亚洲人很友好。Many say they find Ulan Ude to be Asian-friendly.

有些甚至是从海参崴、哈尔滨、乌兰巴托过去的。Even Old Bolshies from Vladivostok and Harbin and Ulan Bator.

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从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start.

乌兰巴托的新建筑,前面是藏传佛教寺庙New construction in Ulan Bator. In the foreground is a Tibetan monastery.

一座131英尺高的成吉思汗雕像矗立在乌兰巴托城外的草原上A 131-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan sits on the steppes outside Ulan Bator.

说明西金乌兰构造混杂带是羌塘陆块上裂解形成的。Suggests that the Xijir Ulan structure belt is splitting from Qiangtang massif.

乌兰巴托苏赫巴托广场的鸟瞰图,展示了蒙古国会。An aerial view of Ulan Bator's Sukhbaatar Square shows the Mongolian Parliament.

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不过乌兰巴托要想成为金融现代化的衍生中心还面临更大挑战。But there remain big challenges for Ulan Bator to make itself into a modern financial hub.

从机场出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close.

初步总结了西金乌兰蛇绿构造棍杂岩带的演化过程。The evolution progress of the The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is summarized primarily.

所以你可能会说,足球已经成功地成为世界性体育项目,不过在乌兰巴托的成功度略低些。So you might say that soccer is successful the world over, but a little less so in Ulan Bator.

至少,从乌兰巴托传出的音乐,已经比在河内的时候要柔和多了。At the least, the mood music from Ulan Bator was very much less discordant than it was in Hanoi.

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初步总结了西金乌兰蛇绿构造混杂岩带的演化过程。Confined the Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt consists of a sierise blocks seprated by thrust towards south.

现在,在蒙古国首都乌兰巴托,除了在银行可以兑换人民币外,在所有的货币兑换点都可以兑换人民币。In Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, you can exchange RMB either in Bank or at all the currency exchange places.

在蒙古首都乌兰巴托,一座歌剧院旁边的砖墙上喷着“处死中国人!”In the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator, "Shoot the Chinese" is spray-painted on a brick wall near a movie theater.

2010年6月2日,中蒙经贸合作论坛在乌兰巴托举行。On June 2, 2010, the opening of the Sino-Mongolian Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum was held in Ulan Bator.

发现乌兰乌拉湖构造混杂岩带,为区域构造对比提供了新的依据。The discovery of the Ulan Ul Lake tectonic mêlange belt provides a new ground for regional tectonic correlation.

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2010年6月2日,国务院总理温家宝在乌兰巴托会见蒙古国总统额勒贝格道尔吉。On June 2, 2010, visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj in Ulan Bator.

这份名单里除了乌兰巴托以外没有其它亚洲城市的数据,但是乌兰巴托在这份名单上也是得到了不幸的第一名,年均PM2.5s密度为63微克每立方米。This list contained no measurements from Asia apart from Ulan Bator, which again ranked worst with 63.0 micrograms.

当天,温家宝还参观了乌兰巴托中国文化中心并为中心揭牌。On the same day, Premier Wen also visited the Chinese Culture Center in Ulan Bator and unveiled the plaque for the center.