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果皮绿黄色。The skin is greenish yellow.

他们说它是相当淡的绿色或青绿色。A pale blue to light greenish blue.

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正常时期沉积层则呈微绿色。Layers from normal years are greenish.

这种瓷器蓝中带绿。The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.

背部呈绿色的欧洲淡水食用鱼。European freshwater food fish having a greenish back.

亮丽的稻黄色酒体闪烁着亮绿的光泽。Brilliant straw yellow color with greenish reflections.

有着浅金略青的诱人色彩。The color is Pale gold with an attractive greenish tinge.

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他有很好看的黑褐色头发,眼睛是淡绿褐色的。His hair was a fine dark brown, his eyes a greenish hazel.

柠檬黄酒体闪耀一抹青绿,纯净亮丽。Lemon-yellow color with greenish glints. Clean and bright.

密生西葫芦一种白绿色的有扇贝状边缘的扁圆形西葫芦。A greenish -white, flat, round squash with a scalloped edge.

在春季和夏季,长了呈绿色的小白花。In spring and summer, there are small greenish white flowers.

其它不常见的颜色还有黄褐及绿褐色。The less common shades are yellowish brown and greenish brown.

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指令后一件魔能武器立即覆盖一层黄绿色的火焰。Upon command, a fel weapon is sheathed in greenish -yellow flames.

他家新房的墙面是用青灰上的色。The wall surfaces of his new house were brushed with greenish lime.

我的胎膜破裂了,羊水颜色不清澈——是绿褐色的。My membranes ruptured, and the fluid isn’t clear—it’s greenish brown.

蔓生,皮墨绿色带青斑,有浅沟。Vine growth, greenish , black skin with green spots, shallow grooves.

厨房里的水池几乎满得溢了出来,尽是发绿的脏水。The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water.

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狗尾草属植物,是已经进入美国的杂草。Any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium, having small greenish flowers.

这些淤青变得比昨天更糟糕了,有些还是绿色的。The bruises look even worse than they didyesterday. Some of them are greenish.

在图片的左上角淡淡发绿的是遥远的天王星的轨道面。The faint greenish disk of distant planet Uranus is near the upper left corner.