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来自赖比瑞亚的钻石多半是无冲突的。Diamonds from Liberia are mostly conflict-free.

一些人逃到了西部的利比里亚或东部的加纳。Some have fled west to Liberia or east to Ghana.

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多数来自赖比瑞亚的钻石标示正确。Most diamonds from Liberia are labeled correctly.

赖比瑞亚的钻石仍旧被拿去贩卖用来支持战争。Diamonds in Liberia are still traded to support wars.

这是利比里亚第三次宣布埃博拉疫情结束。This is the third time Liberia has been declared Ebola-free.

的确,利比里亚向美国和全世界开放并与之共同努力。Indeed, Liberia is open for business with America and the world.

来自赖比瑞亚的钻石已受到KPCS的仔细调查。Diamonds from Liberia have been carefully investigated by the KPCS.

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此外,还有一些人在苏丹、科特迪瓦、利比里亚和东帝汶献出了生命。Others lost their lives in Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia and Timor-Leste.

游者一人,而赖游以活者,不知几十人矣。Swimmers swim alone, and Liberia with alive, somehow do dozens of people.

赖比瑞亚与海地都缺乏电力设施,甚至不足以供应首都所需。Both Liberia and Haiti lack electricity service, even in their capital cities.

格雷米在非洲以右卫身份贡献两次助攻,协助喀麦隆以3-0击退利比里亚。In Africa, Gérémi sets up two goals from right-back as Cameroon beat Liberia 3-0.

瑞亚生了许多子女,但每个孩子一出生就被克洛诺斯吃掉。Liberia gave birth to many children, but every child born on a Kronos been eaten.

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但是,利比里亚却被从美国逃出的一些奴隶发现并发展成为了殖民地。Instead, Liberia was founded and colonized by the slaves who escaped from America.

利比里亚是少数几个没有沦为欧洲殖民地的国家之一。Liberia is one of the few countries in Africa that have not been colonized by Europe.

性暴力是利比里亚长达14年之久的内战的突出特征。Sexual violence was a characterizing feature of the 14-year long civil war in Liberia.

厄立特里亚、尼日尔、科摩罗、海地和利比里亚等国所遭受的影响尤其严重。Countries such as Eritrea, Niger, Comoros, Haiti and Liberia are particularly affected.

在这些接受调查的国家当中,此类日常的腐败在利比里亚最盛行。Among the countries surveyed, this kind of everyday corruption was most prevalent in Liberia.

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利比里亚和贝宁、坦桑尼亚、卢旺达以及加纳,都在布什总统这次访问非洲的行程中。Liberia is one of the countries on his itinerary, along with Benin, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ghana.

这次政治危机已经导致一万八千名科特迪瓦难民越境进入利比里亚。The political crisis has sent more than 18,000 Ivorian refugees across the border into Liberia.

和他的邻居塞拉利昂一样,利比里亚也以血钻著称。Just as its neighbor Sierra Leone, Liberia was known for its blood diamonds during the civil war.