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他们为女人提供漂亮的头饰品。They supply drop-dead headwear for women.

圣帕特里克节游行上观众们戴的帽子。Spectators' headwear at the St Patrick's Day Parade.

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不能随意摸小孩、小和尚和少女的头和头饰。A child can, and little monks and girl's head and headwear.

广泛应用于服装、鞋帽及饰品等行业产品展示。They have been widely used in apparel, footwear and headwear , ornament industry.

道部落的妇女往往穿着漂亮的头饰很多金属针持有他们的头发。Women of the Dao tribe often wear beautiful headwear with many metal pins holding their hair.

然而第一代脸基尼严格意义上讲,就是个头套,然而现在已经是全身覆盖的套装了。While the first generation of facekinis were strictly headwear the suits now offer full-body cover.

于是,经典束腰的紧身小礼服裙被重新演绎,配以夸张的巧克力头饰,展现简洁的华丽感。The classic tight tunic shirt, matched with a flaming chocolate headwear , creates a unique sense of style.

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这是我国所有帽类产品中唯一荣获中国驰名商标的品牌。This is the only brand that can be approved as the National famous trademark in all headwear products in the country.

透过头饰文化的表象,我们可以窥见原始宗教信仰对其审美情趣的影响。From the presentation of headwear culture, we can feel the impacts of primitive religious beliefs upon Tibetans aesthetic tastes.

让学生选择自己喜欢的动物来介绍,来询问他人的喜好,培养学生说段和社交能力。Put the headwear of bear, elephant and horse on students' head. And give the instructions to these animals. e. g. Come here, Mr. Bear.

不要带着一顶小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假发或其他不合适的头饰入场,使你看起来像个傻瓜一样。DON'T come into Anfield wearing a jester hat Harry Enfield Scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete dick.

不要带著一顶小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假发或其他不合适的头饰入场,使你看起来像个傻瓜一样。Don't come into anfield wearing a jester hat harry enfield scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete dick.

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为了便于下雨时披自制毛毡雨披和戴帽子,发辫和头饰一般集中在下部。For the convenience of putting on their self-made wool felt poncho and the cap, the pigtails and the headwear usually concentrate on the lower part.

藏族妇女大多数将头发分编成无数根小辫,头饰大多是琥珀、珊瑚、玛瑙、绿松耳石等各种天然宝石。Most Tibetan women plait their hair into numerous small pigtails, and their headwear is usually a natural gemstone, such as amber, coral, agate, etc.

迎来加盟后主场首秀的罗比尼奥同其他球员一起,在这些戴着相同头巾的孩子们面前热身,我很喜欢这样温馨的场面。I like this sweet moment caught as the players, including Robinho on his home debut, warmed up in front of these young boys dressed in identical headwear.

今年,动物帽的流行势头依然热度不减。名人纷纷戴着自己心仪的动物造型帽,撼动着整个时尚界。This year, the animal headwear trend is still going strong. A number of celebrities have been rocking the trend and wearing their inner animal on their head.

在第一次世界大战时仍有士兵穿戴此头盔,直到需要用到更安全的钢盔为止。Many European regiments still wore Shakos as part of their uniforms during the early stages of World War I, until the need for more protective headwear was needed.

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南通富瑞得东方帽业有限公司位于与现代化大都市上海仅一江之隔的北岸。Nantong FORRADAR EAST HEADWEAR Co. , Ltd. is situated in the Nantong Developing Zone—in the north bank of Yangtze River across which is the great metropolis of Shanghai.

充气雨帽,本实用新型是一种用充气的方法支撑帽檐的软雨帽。The utility model relates to an aerated rain headwear. The utility model is a soft rain headwear, wherein, the rain headwear brim of which is supported by the inflating mode.

但是在任何情况下,即使是在维京人的头饰里也没有发现有伸出来的角,也没有在海盗帽子和头盔中发现有突起的部分。But in any event, no, even Viking headwear didn't sport horns – not a single Viking helmet has ever been found with anything jutting out of it . Besides awesomeness, of course.