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印度已经给予巴基斯坦最惠国待遇。India has already granted MFN status to Pakistan.

最惠国待遇条款一般适用于实体问题。MFN clause generally applies to the substantive problem.

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最惠国待遇中的相似产品问题对于确定最惠国待遇具有基础性的作用。The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.

GATS最惠国待遇的“不低于”要求包括形式上相同和实质上相同的待遇。No less favourable treatment in MFN of GATS include formal and actual treatments.

外资银行准入制度要求对国民原则、最惠国待遇原则和平等互惠原则等原则合理地把握。The procedure is not complete enough about the national treatment , MFN , give-and-take policy.

贸易最惠国待遇实际上是一种有点令人产生误会的说法,指的是没有额外关税或是其它壁垒的一般贸易关系。MFN was actually a slightly misleading term for normal trade relations without any extra tariffs or other barriers.

关贸总协定所倡导的是无条件的最惠国待遇,并且与双边最惠国待遇不同,它是多边的无条件的最惠国待遇。Advocated by the GATT is unconditional MFN treatment, and with the bilateral MFN difference, it is multilateral and unconditional MFN treatment.

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而在国际投资仲裁实践中,也已有仲裁庭对最惠国条款的适用范围作出扩大化解释。And in arbitral practice of international investment, some international tribunals had made enlargement explain for application scope of MFN clause.

最惠国待遇意味着,当一个世贸组织成员国同意对另一个成员国降低进口关税时,必须同时给予所有成员国这种优惠。And MFN means that when a World Trade Organization member agrees to lower its tariffs on imports from one WTO member, it must do so for all WTO members.

在这样的形势下,讨论最惠国条款能否适用于争端解决事项以及我国应采取什么措施来进行应对,就有着十分重要的现实意义。In such circumstance, it is essential to discuss whether MFN clause can apply to dispute settlement matters and what China can do to cope with the problem.

中国代表确认,自加入时起,中国将采取和适用减免税,以保证进口货物的最惠国待遇。The representative of China confirmed that upon accession, China would adopt and apply tariff reductions and exemptions so as to ensure MFN treatment for imported goods.