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由米利都发生的爱奥尼亚叛乱开始when Miletus starts the Ionian rebellion.

前苏格拉底自然哲学家,伊奥尼亚学派成员。Pre-Socratic natural Philosopher, member of the Ionian School.

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还认为,对马耳他,在黑山和阿尔巴尼亚和对爱奥尼亚群岛。Also felt on Malta, in Montenegro and Albania and on the Ionian Islands.

成千上万的种族希腊人在爱奥尼亚海岸遭到灭顶之灾。Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Greeks were uprooted from Ionian coastal areas.

意大利西西里岛东部一城市,濒临卡塔尼亚湾,是爱奥尼亚海的一个海湾。A city of eastern Sicily, Italy on the Gulf of Catania, an inlet of the Ionian Sea.

卡塔尼亚意大利西西里岛东部一城市,濒临卡塔尼亚湾,是爱奥尼亚海的一个海湾。A city of eastern Sicily, Italy on the Gulf of Catania, an inlet of the Ionian Sea.

漫长的海岸线被爱奥尼亚海与爱琴海切割出来的海湾包围。The Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea carved deep bays and gulfs into the long coastline.

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阿尔巴尼亚是一个地中海国家,坐在海岸的亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海。Albania is a Mediterranean country sitting on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

公元前31年9月2日,战争发生于罗马在希腊的殖民地亚克兴附近的爱奥尼亚海。It was fought on September 2, 31 BC, on the Ionian Sea near the Roman colony of Actium in Greece.

躲藏,游过了大海,这海从些就以她命名叫伊奥尼亚海。She sent a gadfly to torment Io, who, in her flight, swam through the sea, named after her, Ionian.

意大利南部一城市,位于爱奥尼亚海附近,创建于0世纪。人口00,'37。A city of southern Italy near the Ionian Sea. It was founded in the tenth century. Population, 00, '37.

以下哪两个人在舰队到达爱奥尼恩星云之前的几周一直被不忠的风流韵事所困扰?Which two people struggle with an adulterous love affair in the weeks before the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula?

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用凡尘俗土抟捏出来的这小子,无知、不文、鲁莽、粗野、平凡,他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢?That pigmy kneaded out of common earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low. Will that become an Ionian or a Boeotian?

阿耳忒弥斯神庙大约建于公元前400在爱奥尼亚城市以弗所,一旦海港现代土耳其西海岸。The Temple of Artemis was built about 400 B. C. in the Ionian city of Ephesus, once a seaport on modern Turkey's west coast.

爱琴海位于希腊的东部,位于爱奥尼亚和地中海的西部和南布。The waters of the Aegean Sea border Greece to the east, and those of the Ionian and Mediterranean Sea to the west and south.

城筑于爱奥尼亚海奥古斯塔湾中的条形沙岛上,有两座桥梁同主岛相连。City was constructed on the Ionian Sea in the Augusta Bay Pratas strip, there are two bridges connected with the main island.

当居林在北非的殖民地开始独立自主并抵抗了法老入侵的时候,爱奥尼亚的希腊人却屈服了。But while the colony of Kyrene in north Africa could hold their own even against the Pharaoh, the Ionian Greeks were in submission.

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一幅数个世纪前的插图显示埃特纳火山已知的最惨烈的喷发,1669年,滚滚的岩浆从那里一直流入爱奥尼亚海。A centuries-old illustration shows Etna's deadliest known eruption, which sent rivers of lava streaming into the Ionian Sea in 1669.

希腊西部一岛屿,位于爱奥尼亚群岛上。据传说,它是荷马写的奥德赛中英雄的家园。An island of western Greece in the Ionian Islands. According to tradition, it was the home of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's Odyssey.

大流士已经把惩罚希腊人的任务留给他的儿子,因为他们干涉了爱奥尼亚的叛乱,以及马拉松战役取得的胜利。Darius had left to his son the task of punishing the Greeks for their interference in the Ionian rebellion and the victory of Marathon.