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肺心病啊呀我还是得到整理的权利。Cor blimey I better get the defrag right.

强大的硬盘碎片整理和优化新的!Powerful Hard Drive Defrag and Optimization New!

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什么是注册表碎片整理功能呢?我该如何使用它呢?What does the Registry Defrag feature do? How do I use it?

Defraggler现在可以被指定为Windows的默认碎片整理工具。Defraggler can now be assigned as the default defrag tool for Windows.

没有其他碎片整理软件,或任何问题,关于地球的程序允许你这样做。NO other defrag software, or any program for that matter on the planet allows you to do this.

睡觉前我决定运行碎片整理,这样在第二天就能得到一个有活力的Windows。Before going to bed, I decided to run defrag so that I will find my windows zippy the next day.

我们扩大了新的O&O的碎片整理11个职能范围,使之更容易使用。We have expanded the range of functions of the new O&O Defrag 11 to make it even easier to use.

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这样做你就再也不必牢记整理磁盘了,因为它能自动运行。Basically put, you’ll never have to remember to defrag your drive because it will be done automatically.

高速磁盘进行碎片整理磁盘碎片整理功能的硬盘高达10倍的速度比其他碎片整理工具。High-speed Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.

当我的电脑是几分钟空闲时,读写灯开始闪烁如整理或正在运行病毒扫描。When my computer is idle for a few minutes, the read-write lamp begins to flash like a defrag or virus scan is running.

在开始碎片整理前你需要进入安全模式,或者如果你在正常模式,停止所有正在运行的所有不必要的程序。Before starting Defrag you should be in Safe mode or if you?re in normal mode stop all unnecessary programs that are running.

要做到这一点,O&O的碎片整理让你三个碎片整理,结合了所有的标准选项完美的新方法。To accomplish this, O&O Defrag gives you three new methods of defragmentation that combine perfectly with all its standard options.

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那就请chkdsk和defrag双剑合壁,为你的硬盘驱动器做个检查吧,并且,经碎片整理之后,文档能更好的保存。Use the dynamic duo of chkdsk and defrag to check your hard disks for errors and defragment files to keep your storage in good shape.

你应该在指定的驱动器内先运行Chkdsk再运行Defrag,以确保文件不会被移动而破坏磁盘的分配。You should run Chkdsk before you run Defrag on a given drive to assure that files are not being moved to corrupt portions of the disk.

模拟运行碎片整理,让你在压缩的时间模拟碎片整理,以便可以看到你之前,你的驱动器布局实际上碎片整理!Run a Defrag Simulation that lets you simulate a defrag in compressed time so you can see your drive layout before you actually defrag!

在进行碎片整理操作时,碎片整理程序不会执行独占锁,这样分区对于其他操作来说也是可用的。The defragmenter does not take an exclusive lock while doing the defrag operation, hence the partition is available for other operations.

一个独特的完全可定制的启动时间碎片整理界面让你在每一个系统的完整控制文件和您想要的地方去。A unique fully customizable boot time defrag interface gives you full control over every single system file and where you want them to go.

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草莓、蓝莓等色彩艳丽的各种浆果可以引发大脑中的“主妇机制”,仿佛整理凌乱的居室或电脑碎片整理。Colorful berries including strawberry and blueberry can activate a "housewife mechanism" in the brain, like tidying up a messy room or defrag of computers.

以“安装它,忘记它”功能,智能自动碎片整理2期工程悄悄地在PC上的背景,使你的硬盘上的最高速度运行。With "install it and forget it" feature, Smart Defrag 2 works automatically and quietly in the background on your PC, keeping your hard disk running at its top speed.

智能磁盘整理2就是这样一个免费工具,提供更快的文件载入智能和高磁盘性能极其快速和有效的碎片整理您的硬盘驱动器。Smart Defrag 2 is such a FREE tool that provides extremely fast and efficient defragmentation to your hard drives intelligently for faster file loading and high disk performance.