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她抚摸着小猫。She stroked the kitten.

别饿着小猫。Don't starve the kitten.

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但是他看不见一只小猫。But he didn't see a kitten.

我的猫咪从来不说"喵".My kitten never says, "Meow."

孩子们抚弄着那只猫。Stroked and nuzzled the kitten.

从某个地方传来猫咪喵喵的叫声。From somewhere, the kitten mewed.

小喵咪,你认为我是什么意思?What do you think I mean, kitten.

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整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪。She nursed her kitten all evening.

周一,其中一只小奶被下放到了我家。Monday, one kitten came to my home.

她用鱼逗引小猫。She tantalized the kitten with fish.

这只病猫需要帮助和照顾。The sick kitten needs help and care.

她喜欢穿得像只“性感小猫”。She likes to dress like a sex kitten.

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猫有一只小猫崽儿,它怎么叫?The cat has a kitten. What does it say?

只受伤的小猫整夜地哀号。The injured kitten moaned the whole night.

我们着述只猫在玩球。We watched the kitten playing with a ball.

孩子们把小猫从树上引逗下来。The children enticed the kitten from the tree.

我想要这只有橘黄色条纹的小猫。I want the small kitten with the orange stipes.

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当安德森的小猫咪不见了的时候,她显得十分不安。Anderson was in a snit when she lost her kitten.

去葬了那只猫“Go out there, dig a hole, and bury that kitten."

我想要这只有桔黄色条纹的小猫。I want the small kitten with the orange stripes.