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这有悖于所有网站中立对待的惯例。That goes against the custom of treating all sites neutrally.

不过话说回来,如果我中性判断这部电影,我会说这是一个平均加。But having said that if I judge this movie neutrally I would say it's an average plus.

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因此,在欧盟电子商务里面要被关于传统的贸易中立课以税。Thus, within the EU E-commerce is to be taxed neutrally in relation to conventional trade.

中性浮力使你维持在离开水底的地方的位置,避免压碎或伤害到脆弱的水中生物。Staying neutrally buoyant keeps you off the bottom so you avoid injuring delicate aquatic life.

润湿性为中性或弱水湿时,微观驱替效率达到最大。When the wettability is neutrally and slightly water wet, the displacement efficiency is maximal.

智者中庸地观察着,不让任何偏激的感觉扰乱他对真理的觉察。The wise person observes neutrally , allowing no acrimonious feelings to distort his perceptions of truth.

作为光家族成员,你们给行星带来中立的信息以激励你们自己的成长。As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth.

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这几种倾向不约而同都将目光放在目的语社会的文化上,似乎有一个客观中性的目的语文化存在。Unanimously, those directions cast the eyes on the target culture, which seems to exist objectively and neutrally.

稍后,婴儿会更加关注那些玩具,而对母亲做出中性或积极反应的玩具关注相对较少。Later, the infants paid more attention to those toys than the ones the parents had responded to neutrally or positively.

通常,这涉及到一个对象的图片,然后用中性色,要校准白平衡。Usually this involves taking a picture of a neutrally colored object and then using that to calibrate the white balance.

本文首先对电力机车过电分相方式和电力系统中的内部过电压理论进行了详细的介绍。In this paper, the modes of passing neutrally phase insulators and the theories of internal overvoltage in power supply system are introduced.

他们没有表情的苍白面容和猩红色的服装相当适合这个模样有如浇铸出来般的星球,与这个沙漠下沉岩穴星球的中立色彩形成对比。Their dry ashen faces and scarlet wardrobe, well suited for the molten world, now stood in contrast to the neutrally -colored desert sinkhole planet.

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在应用效用主义方法之前,必须决定哪个机构可以以中立的态度,用这些步骤加以分析,并考虑到所有利益相关者的利益。Before applying the utilitarian method, one must determine which institution can neutrally apply these steps with the interests of all stakeholders in mind.

你所做的仅仅是理智中立地看待结果,跟重要的是,你要意识到,如果事情并没有像你所预料的那样,你在之后的道路上还是可以将其改变的。Just observe neutrally and more importantly, realize that you can always change things later on down the road if they don't turn out the way you expected it.

本文在定常和中性层结条件下应用有限元法初步建立了一个能够处理二线复杂地形上边界层问题的数值模式。A description is given of the application of the finite element method to solve the two-dimensional neutrally stratified surface-layer flow problems over terrain.

对局外人的批评我们都很敏感。我们经常拒绝中立的,客观的来看待一些外人的批评。我们拒绝去检视那个批评正确与否。Toward the outsider's criticize we are very sensitive and very often we refuse to treat it neutrally , objectively, disregarding whether criticize is right or wrong.

虽然网站对于用户的看法和观点不进行审查,但是,用户所发布的内容应该切题、信息真实、所引用内容有据可查、态度中立。Censorship of opinions and points of view is not applied, however, content is intended to be pertinent, factual, notable, verifiable with cited sources, and neutrally presented.

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宗教社会科学力求对宗教现象做出中立与精确的描述和解释,并以此区别于宗教界、政府、公安等部门对当代宗教的关注。Social science of religion aims to describe and explain the religious phenomenon neutrally and accurately, that distinguishes from the interests of religions, states, and police.

法院系统更非民选,职业法官的职责主要是中立地判断执政者的行政是否违法。Still less is the law court system elected. The responsibility of a career judge is mainly to judge neutrally whether the executive has offended law in his administration or not.

其客户包括原始设备制造商,回收商,制造商的兼容产品,分销商自有品牌和中立包装和标签公司及所在行业的一般。Its clientele includes OEMs, recyclers, manufacturers of compatible products, distributors of private label and neutrally packed and labelling companies and the industry in general.