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喝大量的冷饮料补充水分。Drink a lot of cool liquids to rehydrate.

把数据“重新还原”成完整形式?"rehydrate" the data back into full form.

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在你锻炼结束的时候喝点水补充水分。Drinkwater at the end of your workouts to rehydrate.

在你锻炼结束的时候喝点水补充水分。Drink water at the end of your workouts to rehydrate.

在拿出来食用之前,要充分地冲洗,并用水把豆子再次泡开。You'll need to rinse them well before use, and rehydrate them.

在跑完步之后不要忘记喝水或者运动饮料。Don't forget to rehydrate with water or a sports drink after your run.

而且茶树油是天然的抗菌素,并能给你的肌肤补水。Tea tree oil is a great antibacterial and also helps rehydrate your skin.

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一旦已经脱水,粘液不可能再水化。It is impossible to rehydrate a mucus globule once it has become dehydrated.

在皮肤干燥处涂抹少量橄榄油,可以为肌肤补水,使其康莹润。Dab olive oil on patches of dry skin to rehydrate your skin and keep it looking healthy.

在皮肤干燥处涂抹少量橄榄油,可以为肌肤补水,使其健康莹润。Dab olive oil on patches of dry skin to rehydrate your skin and keep it looking healthy.

不吃早餐或是早餐胡乱应付就像是跑完马拉松之后不给身体补水,补充能量。To skip breakfast or eat a skimpy one is like failing to rehydrate and refuel after a marathon.

然后用另一个碗,放入枸杞以及刚好能淹过枸杞的冷水将枸杞泡开。In another bowl, pour just enough cold water over the goji berries to cover, and leave to rehydrate.

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我想要含有维生素和矿物质和加有少许盐的运动饮料来补水。A –I want one of those sports drinks with, vitamins, minerals a little sodium added to rehydrate myself.

有些饮料低糖高电解质,能帮你补充水分,在锻炼之后恢复体力。Some are low in sugar and high in electrolytes, which can help you rehydrate and recover after you exercise.

他们为脱水的病人提供药物静脉滴注,向因艾滋病而感染肺炎的人发放抗生素。They set up IV drug drips to rehydrate patients. They gave antibiotics to people with AIDS-related pneumonia.

马拉松选手和其他在比赛中失水量大的选手,如果他们补水速度过快,就会产生风险。Marathon runners and others who may lose large amounts of water are at risk if they try to rehydrate too quickly.

训练医疗人员尽快为大量人士改进水质量有助于降低乾旱时期的死亡率。Training health care workers to quickly rehydrate large numbers of people could help reduce casualties during droughts.

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研究人员说,运动饮料适合在“极限运动”后饮用,这样孩子们就不会缺水。The researchers said that sports drinks should be reserved for “extreme exercise”, and otherwise children should rehydrate with water.

当植物被泡到水里这么长的时间,他们就有足够的水分来供应给空凤在未来很长段时间的氢氧化合反应。When the plants are under water for this length of time they have enough water availability for a long enough period of time to completely rehydrate.

加入的透明质酸成份能提供同样的强有效的抗衰老派的成份。亮肤滋养霜能补充水份,使眼睛看起来更加健康。Offering the same powerful anti-aging ingredients with the addition of Pycnogenol, this light nourishing Creme will tone and rehydrate for younger-looking eyes.