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一件衬衫从晾衣绳上滑落。A shirt is taken off a threadlike clothes-line.

纤维一种细长的线状物体或组织。A slender, elongated, threadlike object or structure.

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北美洲的一种兰花,叶单生,花具有丝。North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals.

北美洲的一种兰花,叶单生,花具有丝状反析花瓣。North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals.

红色细长的丝状体是由冷却下来的气体组成,气体处于磁场中。The red threadlike filaments are composed of cool gas suspended by a magnetic field.

研究了蓝湿革脱铬工艺及丝状胶原纤维的制备,并对丝状纤维的结构与性能进行了表征。The technical conditions of dechroming and the preparation of the threadlike collagen fiber were studied.

靠近仔细看,这些团团丝线般的奈米碳管,就像是一簇散乱的织品纤维。On close inspection, the conglomeration of threadlike nanotubes resembles a helter-skelter unwoven fabric.

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振动促进细胞核的运动,细胞核被无数名叫丝的线样纤维悬吊着。Vibration prompts movement of the cell nucleus, which is suspended by numerous threadlike fibers called filaments.

在有的线状染色体末端可以见到松开的相关螺旋,显示出两条染色单体。The granules were broken down and relaxed coils appeared at end of threadlike chromosome and showed two chromatids.

萧普夫把顶燧石里透露讯息的石墨斑点,称做是「已故活细胞的丝缕」。According to Schopf, the chert contained telltale smudges of graphite that he calls threadlike strands of once living cells.

丝丝如絮的白巧克力,甘愿隐藏在其纯洁无暇外表下的黑巧克力,那句说不出口的誓言,注定了今生的相依相随……Black chocolate is willing to hide under the pure threadlike white one which indicates the pledge to be together all this life.

承载着各种基因的DNA分子就象一根长长的细线,并依一定规则扭曲成染色体,而端粒就象一顶帽子那样覆盖在染色体末端。The long, threadlike DNA molecules that carry our genes are packed into chromosomes, the telomeres being the caps on their ends.

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近代中国社会,由于特殊的历史背景,慈善事业与民族精神有着丝缕难断的关系。In modern Chinese society, the philanthropy and the national spirit have threadlike relation because of peculiar historical setting.

鞭毛,鞭状体一种作为可移动器官的长的线状附属部分,尤指某种细胞或单细胞生物的鞭状伸展部分。A long, threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or unicellular organisms that functions as an organ of locomotion.

羟色胺神经元产生于中缝核,该核靠近大脑基底部。这种神经元带有像线一样伸展很长的轴突,达至很远的区域。Serotonin neurons originate in the raphe nucleus, near the base of the brain and, with long, threadlike extensions known as axons reach more distant regions.

脊髓帮助达成了这一切,它从脑开始经由背部向下延伸,包含着散布到身体各处的神经。It does this via the spinal cord, which runs from the brain down through the back and contains threadlike nerves that branch out to every organ and body part.

每个细胞团里都有铂金电极,覆盖着神经细胞团的是一种白色的物质,人们称它为髓磷脂。Inside the liquid were threadlike clumps of mouse neurons, which were wired to platinum electrodes and covered with a white, pearlescent substance called myelin.

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采用酸、碱、盐、机械相结合的方法,对皮革含铬固体废弃物进行松散、脱铬,制备丝状胶原纤维。Adopting the method of combination of acid, alkali, salt and machinery, the chrome shavings are relaxed and dechromed, as a result, the threadlike collagen fibers are prepared.

你也许能顺着有如你眼中血管一样的红线去寻找,直至看到那个村庄的绿色。绿草地上一群小鸭子跟着鸭妈妈扑向水塘。You might try tracing a route along the threadlike red lines which could be veins in your eye, until you reach the village green, where a clutch of duck- lings follow their mother to the pond.