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什么是引导加载程序?What is a boot loader?

载入器返回1退出当前状态。Loader returned 1 exit status.

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包含起始引导程序文件。Contains boot loader related files.

布朗先生是个人所共知的喜欢揩油的人。Mr. Brown is known as a free loader.

密码保护引导装入程序进程。Password protect the boot loader process.

如一台ZL50装载机突然转向失灵。If a sudden turn Loader ZL50 Units failure.

由台诚煤矿所提供的装碴机。A bucket loader given by Tai-Cheng Coal Mine.

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在OSGi中,每个bundle都有其自己的类加载器。In OGSi, each bundle has its own class loader.

它使用系统类装载程序来达到这个目的。It uses the system class loader to achieve this.

狡音乐和视频下跌装载机是很好的。Foxy tunes and video down loader are really good ones.

然后,引导加载程序将解压缩并载入内核。Then, the boot loader decompresses and loads the kernel.

它同时包含有引导加载程序的主要部分和二级部分。This holds both the primary and secondary parts of the boot loader.

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其也在后台运行你的加载器代码和聚合器代码。It also runs your loader code and aggregator code in the background.

我们具备鹰眼的装载机能够处理任何精确的行动。Our hawkeye loader can handle super precise action during operation.

第四类,仪表仪器、挖掘机、装载机及零配件等。Instrument equipment, road roller, excavators, loader and spare parts.

该公司AT-900型装盘机是一种全自动挑选和放置系统。Our model AT-900 Tray Loader is a fully automatic Pick & Place System.

液力机械传动变速器总成是轮式装载机上的关键部件。Hydro-mechanical transmission assembly is a key part on a wheel loader.

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jboss-app.xml文档为该应用指定了类加载器,每个EAR应用的类加载器应该有一个唯一的名称。The jboss-app.xml file specifies the class loader for this application.

配备了运送板县浮装置单元,推拉式装卸器为附属品。Equipped with carrier plate liffer and push-pull type loader & unloader.

迪柯的装载机易于抬起和输出塑料菲林胶片。Dyco's Easy Loader is designed to easily lift and load Plastic Film Rolls.